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    The Renaissance 1485-1660: A Flourish of Genius

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    Why are historical periods inexact and generally unknown to the people who live during them?
    They are named later by historians to describe general trends rather than precise beginnings and endings
    Which of the following statements BEST characterizes the intellectual environment of the Renaissance?
    As people became interested in the writings of the anicent Greece and Rome, They became more inquistive and creative
    The intellectual movement known as humanism ______________.
    joined the wisdom of the classics with that of the Bible, emphasizing ideals of wisdom and virtue
    Why did the invention of printing with movable type have a great impact?
    The wide availability of reading material allowed ideas to spread quickly
    How did the monk Martin Luther contribute to the beginning of the Reformation?
    By developing a personal form of Christianity not based on papal decrees
    In the Mid- 1500s, many people in England were dissatisfied with the Church of England because they _____________________________
    felt that the church was insufficiently reformed, merely a copy of Catholicism
    King Henry VIII of England could be considered as a “renaissance man” because he-
    was literary, musical, athletic, and scholarly
    England’s independence from the Catholic countries of the Mediterranean was ensured by _________
    the English navy’s defeat of the Spanish Armanda in 1588
    What caused an eleven- year gap in the line of English monarchs between 1649 and 1660?
    England was ruled by Parliament and by the Purtian dictator Oliver Cromwell
    The end of the English Renaissance was characterized by_______________________
    increasing interest in secular, rather than religious, values

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    The Renaissance 1485-1660: A Flourish of Genius. (2017, Aug 30). Retrieved from

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