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    The Life of George Washington as a Military Leader in the United States

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    In elementary school it would seem that kids are influenced to believe that George Washington was this strong, intelligent man, strong enough to chop down a cherry tree. Similar to how children have always been taught that Christopher Columbus was nothing but a mere adventurer, traveling the seas, when in fact he was just searching for riches and glory.

    Not that George Washington was anything like Columbus, but as children grow older history becomes darker and more intense than what they had once learned in grade school. So who was Washington? The guy with wooden teeth, of course. Oh, and he was the first president, but that’s it, right? The strong part may be true, however there is so much more to learn.

    The kids now do not know about Washington being a Lieutenant Colonel in the Virginia militia. Or that he was ambitious and wanted to fight. He was a bit over confident though after surviving his first victory in Pennsylvania against the French. Washington took Fort Duquesne, killing their noble officer, while losing only one soldier of his own (Ten Facts about George Washington).

    After word got out to Europe of Officer Jospeh Coulon de Jumonville’s murder as a prisoner of war the first step into the French and Indian war (also known as the Seven Years’ War over in Europe) was taken. This made it personal, but the Indian leader knew that. This was all a part of the plan.

    Now even though Washington started strong, he did not end strong. In fact, his most famous battle of the French and Indian war was one that he lost. He may not have been the best leader, but checking out his competition, he definitely was not the worst. The French came back with a vengeance to Washington’s Fort Necessity. His crude circular shelter was no match for the amount of soldiers sent as reinforcements.

    They circled Necessity, coming out of the woods and forced Washington’s men to retreat. He surrendered. Now in the formal surrender, written in French, there was a very extenuating condition. Luckily for them, George could not read or speak French. By signing this agreement, which he had to sign to get out of their captivity anyway, he agreed that he assassinated Joseph Coulon de Jumonville. This would be the last battle he would ever surrender to (Shmoop).

    The comeback occurred during the Battle of Monogahela. Washington was playing second in command to Major General Edward Braddock. Unfortunately, George was busy in the woods with stomach troubles when first shots rang. Although this was a defeat and the general was wounded and eventually lost, Washington was able to recover himself and lead his men to safety.

    The way he took control and reestablished his command landed him the title “hero of Monogahela” by Governor Dinwiddie. It also gave him the rank of colonel in command of the 1,200 man Virginia Regiment (First Blood). Thus returning his status to honorable in the new world for american society and people.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Life of George Washington as a Military Leader in the United States. (2022, Dec 11). Retrieved from

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