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    The Impact on the Coronavirus among Sweden and France

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    Covid-19 or the Coronavirus is a worldwide pandemic, that struck the world by surprise. This virus has similar, as well as very different impacts across the globe. Sweden is located in Northern Europe while France is located in Western Europe and is South of Sweden. The distance between these two countries is 1,172 miles by air. The Coronavirus affected these two countries in very different ways. The number of cases and deaths differ greatly, the way the government/health agencies handled the virus (lockdown v. no lockdown) differed. The people of each of these countries reacted to their government and health agencies in the total opposite way. Sweden did not lockdown, but France did, although a little too late.

    The population of Sweden as of June 12, 2020 is 10,096,270. The total number of cases in Sweden as of June 12, 2020 was 49,684. The number of deaths as of this same date was 4,854. This means that there are 4,919.6 cases per one million people and 480.6 deaths per million. As of June 12, 2020, Sweden has zero recoveries. When looking at these numbers, you can determine that the percentage of the population who contracted the virus was only 1%. The mortality rate in Sweden is 10%. The reason why Sweden’s number was as high as it was due to how hard the virus hit the elderly.

    The population of France as of June 12, 2020 is 65,266,677. As you can see, France has a much greater population than Sweden. The total number of cases in France as of June 12, 2020 was 155,561 and the number of deaths was 29,346. There are 2,383.2 cases per one million people and 449.6 deaths per million. As of June 12, 2020, France has 72,149 people who have recovered. When using the same numbers for France, it is determined that the percentage of the population who contracted the virus was about 3%, and the mortality rate in France is 19%. The data would indicate that France has the largest number of cases as a percentage of their respective population. There is a significant difference in the absolute numbers between these two countries. Sweden’s cases are relatively small in absolute cases while France was much greater in that they had almost four times as many cases in absolute numbers. As far as the difference in the percentage of the population between these two countries, France has approximately 40% higher population than Sweden.

    According to Alice Baudry (2020), Sweden reacted to the virus by choosing self-discipline rather than a lockdown. Their strategy was based on science. They used the concept of “herd immunity”. This is an indirect protection method from these types of infectious diseases. It happens when a high percentage of the people become immune the virus. This was to help slow the spread so that the health care system could deal with the patients coming in, according to the State Epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell. They stressed protecting the population over 70 by limiting contact, hand washing and social distance. “Once you get into a lockdown, it’s difficult to get out of” (Anders Tegnell). The Swedish constitution prohibits the government from meddling in the administrative authorities such as the Health Agency. The government relies on the advice and recommendations of the Health Agency. The Swedes trust and have confidence in their public institutions and governmental agencies. Tegnell stated that Sweden’s approach “appeals to the public’s self-restraint and sense of responsibility.” Sweden’s health care system is strong since their communicable disease control and immunizations are voluntary and they have 98% coverage. They built additional hospitals in order to assist with patient care.

    France, on the other hand, did have a complete lockdown and ordered people to leave their homes for only essential purposes. The first case was confirmed on January 24, 2020 but did not go into lockdown until March 16, 2020, according to Lisa Schnirring (2020). According to a French health official stated that their numbers were doubling every three days and was at a pace which would overwhelm the hospitals. France’ health care system was ranked among the best in the world. They continued to have a shortage of hospital beds and other equipment like masks and gloves. They had to turn food markets into temporary morgues. France also used high speed trains to transport the very sick. They were not very prepared for what hit them.

    The French are seldom satisfied with anything their leaders do. They are very critical of their government. They were sluggish in their testing capacities and they had a shortage of personal protective equipment. France was the first country to devise an economic support program for businesses and individuals. The government communicated clearly but the mood is still critical and hostile towards the government. Legal complaints have been filed against the prime minister, health minister and other politicians because the people thought they were negligent in fighting this virus and for being slow to order the lockdown.

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    The Impact on the Coronavirus among Sweden and France. (2021, Aug 19). Retrieved from

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