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    The Impact of My Grandfather’s Rough Draft on My Writing Today

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    My grandfather wasn’t personally the impact to my further knowledge of writing and reading but he led me to it. My grandfather was horrible and writing correctly and it was amusing to me.

    My grandfather was a truck driver for most of my childhood and about 20- 25 years of his life. His job consisted of being gone from Sunday morning till Friday evenings. Around my 9th grade year he got laid off from his truck-driving job. Now being a truck driver he always stayed up late and woke up early.

    So when my grandfather got laid off he started writing stories about what he has been through, seen, heard of, or told. He had nothing to do with his time so he was always on the computer writing or playing online poker. This is how my grandfather got into writing books.

    So the first book my grandfather wrote was a book called Downfall. It is a fictional book because the truth is stretched in the story. It is about 2 detectives who solve a murder case and find out there’s more to the story than just the murder and more people are connected. At first my grandfather wouldn’t let me read his book because of the language in it. So I had to buy the book myself. I hate reading I never liked it but this book kept me going to read more.

    I told him how much I liked the book. So he made a second book dedicated to my grandmother’s dead brother. This time he actually let me read it. Now I wasn’t around him all the time because he lived an hour away but when I saw him I was always eager to see how far his book has come. In the process of writing hissecond book I was in 10th grade and in school we were going over revising papers. My grandfather was horrible at grammar and writing in general. My grandmother usually proofreads his books before they send them to the

    publisher. So every time I would read my grandfathers book I would grammar check it after I read about a page or two. I felt kind of smart because I looked like I actually knew some things. This also helped me become better at grammatical errors in my own papers. The relationship I have with my grandfather is an awkward one to most people. When I would revise his papers he would get in a jokingly mad mood and tell me to get my little smart a** away. He joking says this because he hates being wrong but we just laugh about it.

    Reading my grandfather books helped me a bit. My grandfather’s books were the only books I have fully read other than Monster. At this time my grandparents loved when I came over. My grandfather loved it because I was so into his book and no one else was. The first thing I would do when I went to my grandparents was asked to read his latest work and I always gave him honest feedback.

    My grandmother loved when I came over because I made her job a lot easier of not having to fix so many wrong grammatical errors if there was any. This experience made my grammar a lot better. This helped me during the time with all the essays I had to write because I knew more about how to place words in the right place grammatically and using better punctuation.

    In conclusion I can say that during this time period my grandfather had a great impact on my writing and reading skills. He personally didn’t do anything to greater my concept but giving me the opportunity to read something that I actually enjoy and giving me the power and confidence to edit an actual story that was late published made me feel really accomplished.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Impact of My Grandfather’s Rough Draft on My Writing Today. (2022, Dec 10). Retrieved from

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