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    The Diary of Anne Frank Argumentative Essay

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    Have you ever felt persecuted? That is the case for Anne Frank, a teenage girl and her family who were forced into hiding during the holocaust. In the play “The Diary of Anne Frank” by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, Anne teaches the reader about optimism, family, and friendship.

    In the story, Anne, The main character, shows a lot of optimism even in the worst of times. For example Anne is writing in her diary and she mentions Miep and Mr. Kraler (the two people who helped the Franks and the Van Daans) “The days aren’t so bad. At least we know that Miep and Mr. Kraler are down there below us in the office.

    Our Protectors, we call them. ” Anne shows optimism here because the first days in hiding her feel frightened of every little noise she hears, because she thinks the green police are coming for her, but when she remembers Miep and Mr. Kralerdownstairs she feels reassured. Another example of optimism or hope would be when the occupants of the Secret Annex (the place where the Van Daan family and the Frank families are hiding) get news of D-Day and the Allied landing at Normandy “Miep: British, Americans, French, Dutch, Poles, and Norwegians. . .

    all of them! More than four thousand ships! Churchill spoke and, General Eisenhower D-day, they call it! Mr. Frank: Thank god it has come! Mrs. Van Daan: At Last!” this event gives the Franks and the VanDaans hope that they may survive the war. The play “The Diary of Anne Frank” has many examples of strong family and how sometimes hardships can make a family stronger.

    For example, in the earlier parts of the book Mr. Van Daan was stealing food at night even when his own son was starving every night, but when a moment of happiness Mr. Van Daan realizes how bad exactly what he was doing really was and he becomes ashamed, “Please, I’m so ashamed. .

    . Stealing food from children!”Mr. Van Daan is extremely sorry for his action earlier in the play, and everyone forgives him for his actions. Another good example is right after Mr. Van Daan confesses his wrongdoings, Anne also comes clean, “Look at me, the way I’ve treated Mother.

    . . so mean and horrid to her. Mrs. Frank:No, Anneke, no. Anne: Oh, Mother, I was awful.

    . . ” Anne admits how she acted to Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Frank forgives her this is a perfect illustration of how hardships can bring family closer together. Anne also teaches the reader a lot about friendship and how hardships can sometimes make friendships stronger.

    One example of friendship would be when Anne and Peter are talking in his room, “Peter, did you ever kiss agirl? Peter: Yes. Once. Anne: Was she pretty? .

    . ” This shows that Anne and Peter are getting along and becoming closer friends. They trust each other enough to share past experiences and secrets with each other. Another great example of how time and hardships can strengthen friendships is when Anneis writing in her diary towards the end of scene two, “By this time we all know each other so well that if anyone starts to tell a story, the rest can finish it for him. ” This means that the Franks and the Van Daans have spent so much time with each other that their finishing each other’s sentences, which is a sign that when friends spend time with each other they get to know each other better, thus strengthening their relationships. All in all Anne teaches the reader a lot about hope, family, and friendship.

    Like when Anne showed optimism when she thought about Miep and Mr. Kraler when she felt scared, or when Mr. Van Daan and the others should that hardships can make a family close, and how time can heal distant friendships. Anne Frank’s story has been known as an inspirational story all around the world and has helped many get through discrimination.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Diary of Anne Frank Argumentative Essay. (2019, Mar 15). Retrieved from

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