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    The Dangers Of Sex Trafficking Essay

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    This researcher would encourage all stakeholders to implement new policy for change in every one of their establishments. She would also have advocates hand out flyers and lead city wide education campaigns to teach stakeholders the dangers of sex trafficking. Most stakeholders will already be involved because the government will make them implement the new policy for change. For other stakeholders, this researcher would encourage them to get the word out about the new policy on their websites or inside their offices. In regards to resources and funds, how will the change be sustained over time? The change will be sustained over time through: legislative appropriations, imposing fines on sex traffickers, extra money gained from john schools, the grant for more case managers, money gain from advocacy campaigns, utilization of trafficked victims funds and forfeitures from traffickers (“Human Trafficking”, 2014).

    F. Research and Evaluation Summarize research which has been completed relating to the “client system” There is a large gap in research when it comes to discovering the effectiveness of First Offender Prostitution Programs (FOPP) commonly referred to as john schools. Shively, et al., (2008) created the first study that claimed to reduce recidivism. Shively, et al. analyzed time series data for San Francisco, California from 1985 to 2005, which were 10 years prior to the implementation of john schools and 10 years after implementation.

    FOPP was only for first-time offenders and required that the convicted men pay a fee and participate in classes, which resulted in a cleared record, if the offense was not repeated within one-year (Shively et al., 2008). Shively et al. (2008) stated that in San Francisco, there w. .uch as: administration, law enforcement, non-profit agencies, legal services, the social worker, curriculum, etc.

    The activities would be: group therapy, learning about sexually transmitted diseases, referrals for arrested Johns and staff training and development. Outputs are numbers of: men arrested; referrals for services; men screened; talks given; men educated, staff trained and sessions held. Some of the short-term outcomes would be: attitude changes, men with empathy towards trafficked women, behavioral change, realization of sex addiction and learning strategies on handling addiction. The long terms goals of Omaha’s john schools are: decreased recidivism, program effectiveness and sustainability over time, etc. The most desired impact from john schools is a statistically significant decrease in the incidence of sex trafficking in Omaha (Shively & Nobo, 2010).

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Dangers Of Sex Trafficking Essay. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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