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    The Controversial “Black Lives Matter” Riots

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    The most invaluable thing that exists in our world is knowledge. Knowledge is a universal aspect and attaches itself to any race, color, and creed. Other things including money, love, and friends may come and go but knowledge is forever. It is the one power you are given when born into this world and no person has the ability of taking this acquired trait away from you. We, as people, are nurtured with an ability to relay vital information to others when faced with conflict. In correlation to this adaptation of knowledge, we can express certain histories and struggles, such as the adversities lived by African-Americans.

    Acknowledging these critical points in history are extremely important to understanding our nation’s story. If we desire to change communities (globally), it is beyond necessary for us to speak on, discuss, and advocate for these movements undertaken by many cultural figures. The trials and tribulations of African Americans, the gracious efforts of these leaders, and the power of knowledge that can strongly relate to our government today can all be disclosed in the public light.

    Comparingly, the Black History timeline is a key component to reference when speaking on the importance of history. The deep toils of slavery in North America, the battles of The Civil War and Emancipation, African-Americans in World War II, the Harlem Renaissance, and the monumental Civil Rights Movement (to name a few) are critical segments in Black History that have identified this nation. These past obstacles can teach us about what is currently going on around our communities and our world.

    Without having been informed this culmination of black persistence, dedication, achievement and resilience, we, citizens would have never known the existent downfalls in African-American life, in addition to the positive features. It is essential to tell society about these lifelong struggles, so that we may create a vivid image about how blacks have been derailed from progressing. We should aid our country in addressing the issues of racial discrimination that still exist. These entire struggles present other ethnicities with the idea that African-Americans mean something and deserve the same rights as the majority race.

    Likewise, as we enlighten others about these injustices, we must be mindful of the figures who contributed to African-American advancement. Many activists including: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Carter G. Woodson, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) all shared the same goal – to uplift the culture and construct massive change at the state and national levels. These well-educated citizens wanted to undermine the ideas that subjected black people to being “inferior,” and teach the public about these civil archives. Dr. King spread the word of being knowledgeable and peaceful in our quest for justice; while the NAACP informed the public of the complications in racial discrimination.

    In turn, according to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, “No one has played a greater role in helping all Americans know the black past than Carter G. Woodson, the individual who created Negro History Week in Washington, D.C., in February 1926 (“Knowing the Past Opens the Door to the Future The Continuing Importance of Black History Month, Bunch).” This week was monumental because it cultivated news of the experiences blacks faced. Woodson strived to make everyone aware of how black history could be utilized against racial struggles; eventually creating the “Association for the Study of Negro Life and Culture,” – designed to make black culture, history, and events available to everyone near and far.

    To further add, this knowledge can be used to address issues at the state and national levels. Colin Kaepernick and his movement of kneeling during the national anthem have created a cause for civil rights activists – “to draw attention to the oppression of black people and people of color in the U.S,” (‘Football Players Are Protesting Police Violence, Not the Anthem” 2018). This protest eventually became a national concern, as more people started supporting Kaepernick’s efforts. In hand with this objection, police brutality has occurred all across America for hundreds of years. It still exists in our country today, majorly directed toward the minority races (but mostly African-Americans). The controversial “Black Lives Matter” riots have arose due to police officers deliberately accusing blacks of transgressing and partaking in criminal activity.

    A number of victims have been killed because of this inequity and the hatred policemen have toward the African-American race. From time to time, some officers may have their jobs revoked and only a very few (if any) have been incarcerated. No significant progress has been made to protect the lives of others. In hand with these government issues, the mass incarceration of blacks in America’s prison systems are multiplying by day. With reference to the NAACP, since 2014, African-Americans have made up about 2.3 million inmates out of the total correctional facility population, and they are five times more likely to become incarcerated over whites. These statistics demonstrate that even though activists worked tirelessly to grant us equal rights; we still must fight for equality, freedom, and justice.

    In brief, we must remember the values and cultural teachings our African-American predecessors have passed down from generation to generation – from state to state. The trials these prominable figures have had to endure for hundreds of years – and currently – deserved to be expressed. This implementation of knowledge is crucial to unlocking the door to the future. Humanity is able to advance the black race, as well as our nation.

    Peacemakers similar to Dr. King lived their lives to establish union among the hoi polloi. We will continue to grow tremendously if we remain persistent in informing others of these massive historical events that have pushed the country to where it is today. This ethnic awareness can assist us in adopting more protective laws against police brutality, mass incarceration, and public discrimination against everyone – everywhere. If we can understand these explicit messages from black history; we can improve lives worldwide – no matter ethnicity or native background.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Controversial “Black Lives Matter” Riots. (2021, Jul 21). Retrieved from

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