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    The Art of Drawing the Penis Essay

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    Uncouples in the Satirical and Luscious in Metamorphoses are each put in the role of outsiders on the fringes of society and are enabled to act as observers and commentators. Although they are viewed as outcasts and deal with the same types of scenarios, Uncouples and Luscious live in two completely different worlds. Uncouples and Luscious respond to their societies and the people they encounter in their own individual ways. Firstly, discussing Uncouples and his background will begin our knowledge on how he and Luscious differ. Uncouples in the Satirical lives in a world where he is instantly tempted by sex.

    The former gladiator and newly arriving student is involved in a sexual relationship with his sixteen. Year old lover and slave. Boy, Citing. Throughout the novel, Uncouples struggles with staying faithful to his lover. Uncouples is enticed more than once throughout the novel by some sort of sexual pleasure that leads to him being unfaithful to Citing. On top of being a faithless lover, Uncouples has a criminal background. The book speaks of him stealing and even murdering a man. Being unfaithful and having a criminal background shows a little bit of the type to person Uncouples was.

    Secondly, we will review Luscious and his background in Metamorphoses. Luscious, a man to good birth and a mentor, starts out his journey on the way to Thessaly where he hears a hard-to-believe tale that intrigues his curiosity about magic and myths. Throughout the first half of The Golden Ass, Luscious learns about a few literal and metaphorical tales that sparks his interests on the magic happening within Thessaly. He learns that the wife of the family he is staying with is a witch and tries to turn himself into a bird as he saw her do. Instead of turning into a bird, his curiously led him into changing into an ass.

    The novel continues with Luscious going on many journeys as an ass and learning and hearing even more stories relating to magic. After all of his hardships and journeys, Luscious eventually comes into contact With the goddess Isis and she changes him back into human form after joining her cult. NOW that we know a little behind the characters Of Uncouples and Luscious, we can compare the two to one another. Uncouples and Luscious are each the main characters and the narrators in their novels. Everything in Satirical and Metamorphoses is involved around the two. Uncouples and Luscious both deal with temptation.

    However, Uncouples struggles with sexual temptation and Luscious struggles with the temptation of magic. Luscious is a curious character and wants to learn about everything whereas Uncouples is more into pleasuring himself. They both relate in the way that Uncouples is a student and Luscious is a mentor. In Satirical, it tells how Uncouples is a new student and in The Golden Ass it tells how Luscious ran into a former student at the market – hence, he is a mentor, As it has already been stated, Uncouples has a criminal background relating to burglary and murder, Luscious was thought to have killed three men in The Golden

    Ass but it ended up being wineskins, not men. Even though Luscious was thought to have murdered a few men, Luscious comes off as a peaceful character where as Uncouples comes off as a bit chaotic. All in all, Uncouples and Luscious handle their situations in very different ways. Uncouples allows temptation to take over and becomes vulnerable in scenarios whereas Luscious tries to think things through thoroughly and come up with a clever plan. Satirical and Metamorphoses shows the reader how two men coming from Roman novels react to climatic scenarios in completely different ways.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Art of Drawing the Penis Essay. (2018, May 30). Retrieved from

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