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    The American College Testing Should Not Be Free Authorized as a Key to Higher Education

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    The American College Testing (ACT) should not be authorized as a key to higher education because it is established on whether or not individuals will be approved into college. The ACT has overwhelmed many people lives, when they are unable to reach the requirements that are acceptable to pursue on with their education.

    The ACT test should not be the key because there are many smart, intelligent students whose self-esteem level is brought down due to this particular test. The ACT has ruined many people lives when the scores are returned. Most high school seniors dread nothing more than the standardized tests their college admissions applications will be judged by, this is a topic to be argued because everyone is not fit for standardized testing.

    There should not be a test to insult your intelligence. There is an act that says, “No Child Left Behind.” When these words are viewed this immediately tells me something should be done about the situation. Everyone has talent and a standardized test should not be the judge to whether a person is academically smart enough to be accepted into college. It is understandable the state and government help out with funds, but just because a certain score is not reached on a standardized test should not stop anyone from being able to prolong their education.

    Many individuals who are able to meet the requirements of this test do not look at the struggle many other students in their society are facing. But, fortunately for those who aren’t good test takers, college admissions counselors will also take into consideration your grades, admission’s essay, and overall application. Some may also favor candidates that travel to their campus for a face-to-face interview. This problem to me can be solved in many ways.

    It can be solved by enabling seniors in high school move forward with their education. Also, taking the ACT is most of all stressful but expensive as well. Some high schools offer waivers but only a certain minimum to take the ACT with free of charge. When the individual has taken the minimum of tests for free and is not financially able to pay excess money, then the individual will lose a chance at his/her dreams. This is another failure to why the ACT should not be accounted to whether college is right for a person. No one should be left behind, especially the ones who have succeeded and the ACT is the key to failure and which causes the individual unable to higher grounds of education.

    Being accepted into college the GPA of the student should be acceptable as well as the other standardized test that are given while in high school. Standardized tests in high school are not advanced as the ACT test, but the standardized test in high school should be counted as well as your high school GPA, to whether you are able to be accepted into college. High school is different from college true enough, but the ACT test does not tell whether you will be advanced in college or not, because the material is presented differently and there is not much time to complete assignments.

    As to high school, you have more one on one help and you have more material to rely on. To my understanding, ACT scores open the doors to academically qualified students whose test scores say more about their family backgrounds than about their capacity to perform well in college classes. Students from families with higher household incomes achieve higher scores than students from families with lower incomes. Also, speeded tests where most students cannot finish the exam. Students who belong to groups expected to perform better on high stakes tests score higher than students belonging to groups expected to achieve lower scores.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The American College Testing Should Not Be Free Authorized as a Key to Higher Education. (2023, Jan 06). Retrieved from

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