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    Textual Analysis of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Cover Essay

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    However, I will be providing an analysis of the signs within the text Star Wars Ill: Revenge of the Sits in the form of a DVD corer_ A textual analysis makes an educated guess at some Of the most likely interpretations that might be made from a particular text (McKee, 2003:1). I will deconstruct elements Of the title, characters and conventional DVD symbols to effectively establish the most obvious meaning behind each of these signs.

    At its most basic level, a sign is the combination of the physical form that the it takes, (the signifier), and the concept that it represents (the signified) (Assure in Chariot, 1996:24), The elements within the title Star Wars contain arioso signs which work effectively to produce and communicate its intended meaning, The first word in the title ‘Star’ acts as a conventional sign, as the word is known by different sounds and spelling in other languages. (Harrington: 201 b). However in English-speaking countries, the word alludes to the setting of outer-space.

    Space is often the prominent location to many science-fiction texts, whether it be in books such as Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein, or movies such as Alien by Riddled Scott. The other signifier ‘Wars’ is a universal connotation f an ongoing battle occurring between opposing parties, usually a good or bad force. Harrington (Bibb) clarifies that a text belongs to a genre when it shares key elements such as style, form and conventions with other texts The subject of good and evil is a recurring theme throughout the sic-if genre and can be proven by the Digital Film Archive (n. . :S) when they explain that science fiction “encapsulates the universal central narrative of good versus evil”. MIDI (Most Popular “Good Versus Evil” Sic Pi Titles, n_d. ) gives an extensive list Of sic-if movies that follow this central narrative. Consequently, the combination of ‘Star’ and ‘Wars’ written in a gold font, signifies to the viewer that this film is a battle Of good verse evil occurring within a galactic realm. The audience is able to draw on existing intellectual knowledge Of Other science -fiction movies are therefore able to familiarize themselves with the piece.

    The understanding of characters within a text are an important component in structuring the work’s intended meaning. The characters displayed on the front of Star Wars Ill assist the audience in creating a likely interpretation of the text’s intended meaning. The visual design shows an ascending formation of four serious-faced characters, shadowed by a menacing figure in the background. Three of the characters in the foreground of the image are facing left and appear to be human, While the Other extra-terrestrial being has its back turned to them in the other direction.

    This deliberate positioning represents a sense Of conflict (Harrington, Bibb) or a clash Of morale, thus working in relation with the title of the film and it’s signification of good versus evil. Most viewers would determine that the evil is represented in the form of the alien. Although here is an arbitrary connection between aliens and wickedness, it can be noted that Western Society has long held the notion that the unknown is something to be feared, as proven by alien commentators (Bowman, 2007).

    Similarly, the relationship between the human characters and the dark figure in the background could easily be interpreted as a representation of good and evil, stemming trot cultural symbolism. The three humans are presented under a luminous, white light, which can be interpreted as them being upright and pure, while the dark figure behind them is deliberately masked in black, signifying evilness or death.

    These connotative meanings, that being the secondary meanings that are evoked (Grippers, 2006:16) are prevalent in Western Society where white symbolizes purity, and black symbolizes evil, again reinforcing the good and evil theme within sic-if. However, should be addressed that such symbolism in the text may not be recognized in other cultures. There are several conventional signs established on the Star Wars Ill cover that effectively communicate the text as a movie.

    The first and most obvious sign is the ‘DVD video” logo appearing on the bottom-right side Of the image. This small humbly works circumferentially to indicate that this is a digital video disc and not a CD. Circumferential framing relates to the material immediately surrounding the text (Harrington AAA). Another sign that reveals the cover’s DVD format is the horizontal banner running across the top of the page reading ‘TXT: Digitally mastered for superior sound and picture quality” (Star Wars Ill: Revenge of the Sits n. D. ).

    Not only does this boast the film’s enhanced features, but it also tells the audience that this text has audio and visual qualities, which are the primary elements to a motion picture. The ‘TXT” symbol indicates to viewers that have extralegal knowledge, or dependent knowledge unspecified by the text (McClellan, Gale, Reid, 1994:3), that this brand as an audio-visual enhancement seen in various other motion pictures From a wider cultural context, hot the ‘OVID” and ‘TXT” symbol may not carry such meaning within countries that have limited access to technology.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Textual Analysis of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Cover Essay. (2018, May 22). Retrieved from

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