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    Causes of Death for Americans Ages 20 to 24

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    Teen Suicide is a major killer of teenagers today. It is the third leading cause of death in all teens ages 15-19 and the second leading cause of death in ages 19-24. Verbalizing about this more gives ways to help prevent teen suicide, such as identifying disorders they may have and providing them with the proper treatment be fore it gets out of hand. The hard part is identifying the disorders. The only people that can really identify them is family and close friends, and in many cases people many not know the seriousness of it or fear that it might just be true.

    Another problem is that if you are not educated in the areas of mind it may be a bit harder to identify the problem. The most common symptoms that lead to suicide are depression, anxiety disorders and substance abuse. Depression is a mood disorder characterized by over whelming feelings of sadness, lack of interest in activities, and often times excessive guilt or feelings of worthlessness. Depression is not something that a person can help and if they could, they would not even want to. It does no good to tell someone who is depressed and has thoughts of suicide that, Things really are not that bad; that just indicates to them that you can not see nor understand what they are going through. Most people in these situations want help but they may discourage obtaining it from someone due to the embarrassment of the issue.

    Making sure that your friends and family are all right but if they are not, they should be shown what help they can acquire by just coming forward. Anxiety disorders are a bit more complex but they need to be identified cause they can be dangerous. Anxiety is a disorder where anxiety is a characteristic feature or the avoidance of anxiety motivates abnormal behavior and can not function in everyday life because the anxiety is too great. The easiest of the three to explain is Substance abuse. This is the pattern of drug use that diminishes the ability to fulfill responsibilities at home or at work or even school, that leads in repeated use of drug menacing situations, which results to legal difficulties related to narcotic use. Ultimately chronic abuse of alcohol and drugs may lead to death; About 100,000 Americans die each year as a result of alcohol with other drugs including heart failure, pneumonia, automobile accidents, and suicide.

    The highest risk for suicide due to heavy drinking is boys 17-19 who is depressed and drinks a lot. Substance abuse as all of the disorders are very dangerous if not treated and in some substance abuse cases it gets out of which results in problems with the law and even violence may occur. Each disorder mentioned (depression, anxiety, and substance abuse) are all leading causes to teen suicide and the more society becomes involved the less teens take their own lives because no one is showing them another route. Treatment significantly reduces teen suicide but the actual treatment itself could be modified. They do confidential screening of high school student for risk factors such as previous suicide attempts. To say that these testers know if they had previous suicide attempts or if they are just lying is just an unrealistic statement.

    The few students that do come forward it will work for but what about all the others that did not speak out. One way of detecting this early is that all schools make the students go to the school psychologist from early adolescents all the way through high school. This is so that the psychologist know of him/her and the students understand that you dont have to be crazy or mentally challenged to go and speak to someone if something is disturbing them. It is always a nice thing as a teenager to know that some one stable is always there to talk and help you the best they know how. Start to teach the positive effects of the school psychologist at an early age can only repair the communication gap. By the time the thoughts of suicide come about they have someone that can first notice if they .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Causes of Death for Americans Ages 20 to 24. (2019, Mar 20). Retrieved from

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