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    Tale Of Two Cities And Justice Essay

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    Justice versus injustice, a battle fought since the time of man. Dickens’ mostvaluable message in A Tale of Two Cities is that justice will always triumphover injustice. Justice and injustice play a big part in the book. In Darnay’smany trials he has each time gotten away from his prosecutors because of helpfrom friends and family. In his first trial his uncle, the Marquis, tries toimprison him for treason, but with the help of Carton he is let free.

    The secondtrial was a bit more complex, he is captured by the DeFarges, who don’t plan ongiving him a fair trial. They wanted to do him a great injustice by putting himto death for a law they had made up. The persuasive Dr. Menette reasoned withthe jury, so that they would let him off. Of course it is not always this easy. It was very rare in those days that someone would be let off.

    The jury neverusually took more than a few seconds to decide if the accused shall be put todeath or not. Jail was no longer a matter after the revolution. The guillotinewas saving them a great deal of time. People went to jail for only a littlewhile, the trial was short and death even shorter. The third trial of Darnay notfilled with much justice. He was released from jail and not long after, he gotpicked up again and back to jail he went, where this trial went quickly and hewas sentenced to death.

    Even with this injustice that was given to Darnay, aneven stronger justice was handed to him by a friend. Sydney Carton literallygave him life. The day before Charles was to be sent to the guillotine Sydneyexchanged places with him, since they looked so much alike nobody could tell thedifference. I don’t think his messages apply much in today’s world. In today’ssociety things like that are not done.

    Cases could take years just to get to thecourt and the trial could even last years. People today get away with murder,robberies, and other federal offences. You can’t always have justice, it won’talways triumph over injustice. A person can’t possibly think it is right when ayoung child gets murdered and the killer can’t be convicted. But things likethose happen in the world we live in today.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Tale Of Two Cities And Justice Essay. (2019, Jan 19). Retrieved from

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