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    System for Alternative Schooling and Education

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    System for Alternative Schooling and Education (SASE) is a noble initiative, which helps regular education systems customise methods of disseminating academic curriculum to meet every student’s needs. SASE recognises all students are different in their own peculiar ways. Consequently, raising the requirement of an individually adaptive method of dispersing education and getting its validation globally.

    SASE stands for the fact that education systems are built to meet student requirements not the other way around. So, to make the present education system in the state, adaptive and flexible to all students, SASE has liaised with globally renowned accreditation bodies such as NWAC and NIOS.

    With the help of SASE, school authorities will have an alternative for kids who don’t exactly fit into the system due to various reasons. To address each one, SASE focuses on alternative schools, open schools, remedial education, academically and physically challenged students and regular schools.

    SASE provides training and prepares educational institutes about alternative schooling. It also counsels students and parents, to help them understand the transit and benefit from the system.

    SASE is recognised by state, centre and international school level accreditation bodies to bridge the gap and lend a helping hand to interested students and schools. Policies like credit transfer and flexible assessment play a key role in making the system actually mould as per each student.


    The alarming drop out rate of students across the nation has established the dire need of a system like SASE to fill the loopholes of conventional education systems. Every student who doesn’t succeed in conventional education establishments has a reason. They are not incapable of learning, they are just misfits in the system.

    SASE can be adopted by the schools and individuals to educate children who do not fit into the conventional systems of schools.

    The research conducted by SASE reveals that there is an urgent need for serving the alternative education systems. Empower and accredit them with various innovative methods of schooling education. The Purpose of SASE is to create an adaptable platform for school education, which allows the empowerment of all students and the elimination of none. Help schools and children to achieve their academic goals by facilitating the assessment from a state, central government and globally accredited school board.

    On the other hand, engaging technology helps to amplify and to align the process and purpose of the education locally. It ensures students get the best education right where they are. Allowing them to level and prosper naturally.

    If seen from a different perspective, by giving the brighter minds of tomorrow an alternative, we are not just ensuring education for all, we are also giving their creative minds to wander and create something new.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    System for Alternative Schooling and Education. (2022, Apr 17). Retrieved from

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