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    Self Assessment Of Leadership Practices Essay

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    Self-Assessment of Leadership PracticesAfter completing the required reading of the Seven Habits Profile, I have decided to conduct a self-evaluation of myself which will help me determine my best and worst leadership qualities along with my strengths and weaknesses as a leader. I will go into details by discussing my strengths and weaknesses in this essay, and through this evaluation I will be able to better understand how truly prepared I am to be a leader in the business of healthcare. A thorough evaluation and reflection will be accomplished, and I will be required to be honest with myself so that the evaluation is conducted fairly. Not conducting the evaluation fairly will not help me, but instead hurt me. All great leaders have had to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and it is up to the individual to determine after evaluation what weaknesses need to be enhanced.

    Seven Habits Profile and FindingsPrior to taking the Seven Habits Profile I firmly believed that the leadership style that fit me the best was cognitive. After a thorough evaluation of the Seven Habits Profile, I came to find out many different things about myself. Better understanding myself leads me to believe my leadership style should be changed to a servant leader. A busy life with a family can certainly cut the time there is in one’s life to truly perform a self-evaluation. In Category 1, I noticed that I seemed to do outstanding. I have never been one to speak negative on others or gossip, and I have always been known to keep honors and commitments.

    I also value my ability to show kindness and consideration to others, and feel that one should always treat others how they would like to be treated. I gave myself a total score of 18 in Category 1. A. . goals I recommended earlier in the paper will not be achievable overnight. I will slowly have to improve my ability to self-regulate my actions, have more empathy for co-workers and improve on my emotional intelligence in general.

    Being realistic while understanding achievable goals will help me accomplish goals that I set for myself. In conclusion, after thorough evaluation of myself as a leader using the Seven Habits Profile along with reflection, I now understand what my strengths are as well as my weaknesses as a leader. I plan on improving upon my weaknesses while continuing my education. I know that there are realistic and achievable goals that I can accomplish, I just have to continue maintaining my vision which I feel is strong at the moment. This reflection greatly helped me as a person, and I look forward to becoming a better person and leader every day.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Self Assessment Of Leadership Practices Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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