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    School Dress Code Essay (363 words)

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    Dress Code Essay has been the biggest topic between the Board officials and parents.

    There have been many decisions and arguments that were worked out by the administration and local school, often at the request of parents. There should be a dress code for students for several reasons. Many public schools today are making dangerous decisions and these decisions may end up saving someone’s life. The decisions are about school uniforms and dress codes. Public schools are beginning to open their eyes to the real world and see what their students are wearing and what the clothes are about. Some schools have banned any clothes with inappropriate symbols or sayings.

    Baggy wear is very dangerous. Schools are now even taking away the privilege of those clothes for the reason that weapons and other dangerous, illegal items may be smuggled in under loose pants, hats, shirts and jackets. Cost of maintaining a stylish wardrobe can be expensive. Many families have more important things to spend their money on than the image of school children. The dress code may be a way to keep the costs of school down for those families.

    In some schools, there has even been fighting or stealing based on expensive sneakers or jewelry. There are many clothes in fashion for boys and girls which are not appropriate for school dress. Good taste and common sense should dictate parental and student choice of school clothes. The school will determine what is not appropriate dress, even if it conforms to current fashion. Also, school dress should not be viewed as a daily fashion show.

    In this essay I had many compelling reason why there should be dress codes for students. I think that schools should have dress codes because it they can help people save money on other clothes such as brand-name clothes, these clothes can be very expensive and many kids steal them. Baggy clothes are very dangerous because students can carry guns or other illegal items into the schools. Many people are discriminated by what they wear but dress code doesn’t discriminate against anyone. Some clothes are not appropriate for schools, such as clothes that have inappropriate symbols or sayings.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    School Dress Code Essay (363 words). (2019, Mar 17). Retrieved from

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