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    Rock Music and Outstanding Rock Bands Essay

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    It was truly a sensory overloading festival and nearly drove me crazy. My body shook as if they stood on the middle of the big earthquake because of the monstrous excitement that held me. Also, the quality of sound was so extremely magnificent that I could feel every step of guitarists’ fingering with superb performances.

    And every time drummer hit the drum, my heartbeat followed that rhythm. So, I was afraid that if my heart Jumped out of my chest. It even made my teeth chatter. The whole space seemed to be Jammed of thrilling atmosphere and moved with the beat of each song. The passion of people was enormous. They frantically rocked and danced to the rhythm of the rock song, so I had to actually become one with the people around me. The crowd didn’t allow any personal space. We were all closely packed in there like Handed Beach during the peak of summer.

    The first artist of the concert is ‘Basso’. He is an Indies rapper in Korea. At first, I didn’t know about him much so my reaction was passive. But, as the song began, I was captured by his unique music style and fantastic lyrics. Then, my reaction turned to be enthusiastic. Especially, I was fall in love with the song, ‘Hero’. This song was absolutely a masterpiece. All the strong beats, powerful rapping, and supremely confident lyrics… Everything was perfect.

    After the performances over, I couldn’t utter a word, even a sigh, because I overwhelmed by the magnificence of Basso’s music style.. Then, band ‘Teardrop’ came upon the second stage. As soon as stepped onto stage, they played their song, ‘Die To Live’ Right away without any comment. So I was embarrassed at first, but soon I was easily immersed in their ardent performances. I was so excited that I ran, Jumped high, and rocked my body harshly. It was literally made me almost dead because It was too hard for me.

    After the performances, they said that the reason they played their music right away was to make the audience concentrate on music’. And I did as they intended. So I thought they succeeded what they want to do. On third stage, the band who was well known for their frantic music and performances, ‘Galaxy Express’ showed up. Even before the music started, all audiences were shouted their name and made a noise with great expectations of crazy performances. And, as soon as their representative song ‘Oh yeah! Was played, all audiences raved like a madman and screamed as if they had seen a monster. The concert hall almost seemed to collapse because of the heavy weight of frantic and lunatic atmosphere. And finally, my favorite Indies band came. The last band was ‘Dibble’. When the first song ‘Abandoned’ was played, I couldn’t take my eyes off the stage. The Fantastic performances and plenty of lighting technicians kept my eyes filled with colorful enders as the music played on. The stage was a constant flurry of excitement.

    This was generally caused by the two great guitarists, ‘Sunshiny’ and ‘Rock. Add to this, As befitted to their band name ‘Dibble’, they showed completely good harmony and superlative performances. It was a best stage I had ever experienced of my life. After the all performances over, I couldn’t take my feet off the ground because my heart and legs were shook like the old branches swayed in the wind. It was truly amazing to that extent. I’m sure I can’t forget the experience I had that day. Rock will never die!

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Rock Music and Outstanding Rock Bands Essay. (2017, Dec 07). Retrieved from

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