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    Risks Involved In Bandra Worli Sea Link Project Construction Essay

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    The Movement of Vehicles in Mumbai metropolis and the Bandra-Worli Sea nexus undertaking are like disease and anti dote. It is the perfect solution for the site ‘s eternal Movement of Vehicles issue. The native rail web provides better paths, AC managers and conveyances million of travelers. The non-rail constituents have new roads, over Bridgess, metros, and signal system.

    The Bandra-Worli Sea Link will merely add to the bing issues. Mumbai metropolis is among the five most contaminated metropoliss of the universe. The Municipal study insists that to cut down the air pollution in Mumbai metropolis it is indispensable to advance public conveyance viz. Rail web and Bus service.

    Many undertakings were suggested since 50 ‘s for smooth Movement of Vehicles in Mumbai metropolis. The undertaking in inquiry was opposed, strongly by fisher work forces and other watchful indigens invariably. However the CRRI mentioned that these corridors should be implemented merely after detailed native research and the Execution of these undertakings should be started merely after the research say it is all right to travel in front.

    MUMBAI URBAN TRANSPORT PROJECT-I was planned around 1984. There was a het encephalon ramping session in the Assembly and the Maharashtra Govt. appointed a high degree squad called the K. G. Paranjape Team to give a list in precedence of solutions to Mumbai metropolis ‘s Movement of Vehicles issues. The Team submitted its amalgamate Report which had certain undertakings listed in a precedence list.

    Kirloskar Consultants and the Operation Research Group made a thorough research of Movement of Vehicles conditions and submitted their studies in July 1994. This study has rejected the Bandra-Worli Sea Link Project and the West Island Freeway stating that it will pull more and more Movement of Vehicles towards South Mumbai metropolis and the congestion will merely acquire worse in many countries. The study has warned that if the Bandra-Worli Sea Link Project is implemented it will take to more congestion and as a effect more pollution and hence impacting the wellness of Mumbai metropolis ‘s indigens.

    The V.M. Lal Team has besides suggested curtailing automobile Movement of Vehicles come ining the island Site at Sion and Mahim. As per the newspapers it is clear that the Bandra-Worli Sea Link Project has no scientific footing.

    It is black to allow the individualized vehicles occupy more infinite and roads, as it will be harmful to everyone including the users of private vehicle.

    Constitutional Legitimacy of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link Project The undertaking is supposed to be based on a research made by the Central Water and Power Research Institute, Pune. The research is based on a hydraulic theoretical account and non on the existent sea is studied.

    It is imperative to observe that the Indian Ecological Protection Act came into consequence in 1986 and the CRZ Notice in February 1991. In 1994 the Notice which made it compulsory to do an Ecological Consequence Analysis came into force and in the Notice necessitating a populace hearing besides came into force. Obviously these legal demands were non fulfilled. The Ecological Clearance can non be given without making anterior research and detecting all the stairss of process. Even so on 7th January, 199 the clearance was given. The of import clauses of this clearance were besides violated. This attitude shows that there is no regard for Constitutional clauses. In add-on to this the site location of the proposed toll place has been changed after obtaining Ecological clearance.

    Illegality of the Undertaking

    Rules for Ecological Conformity in India

    About every Progressive activity has some negative Consequence on the nature. The Effect, nevertheless, differs harmonizing to the nature of activity. Therefore, whereas puting up an industrial unit can hold serious Effect on the H2O and air quality besides impacting the vegetation and zoology of the country, a main road undertaking can dramatically force up the noise and pollution degree of the environing countries. It is with the intent of incorporating the possible negative Effectss of a development undertakings that the Nature Effect Analysis is done. Therefore, it can be stated that Ecological Effect Analysis is one of the tools available to contrivers to minimise and incorporate harmful effects of the development activity on the nature. The aim is to anticipate and turn to possible Ecological issues/concerns at an early phase of undertaking planning and layout. This is a decision-making tool to guarantee that finite natural resources are utilized within the transporting capacity of the eco-system to avoid its prostration.

    It is desirable to guarantee that the development options under consideration are sustainable.

    In making so, Ecological effects must be characterized early in the undertaking rhythm and accounted for in the undertaking layout.

    It integrates the Ecological concerns in Progressive activities right at the clip of originating the undertaking when fixing the feasibleness study ; It can frequently forestall future liabilities or expensive changes in undertaking layout.

    Prior to January 1994, in India was carried out under administrative leadlines which required the undertaking advocates of major irrigation undertakings, H2O organic structure vale undertaking, power Stationss, ports and seaports and so forth, to procure a clearance from the Ministry of Nature and Forest, Govt. if India. The Ecological appraised squad of the Ministry carried out the Ecological appraised. In January 1994, the Govt. of India notified the Nature Effect Notice under regulation 5 of Nature Protection ) Rule, 1986 and 29 designated undertakings. The Notice made it obligatory for the 29 designated undertakings to fix and subject an, and Nature Management Plan ( EMP ) and a Project Report to an Effect Analysis Agency for clearance. The Ministry of Nature and Forests, Govt. of Indian was designated the Effect Analysis Agency.

    What went incorrect with Project Location?

    The site choice is ever an effectual attack in extenuation of hazard.

    Sea nexus undertaking locations should be reviewed based upon assorted regulative and non regulative standards. Undertaking locating limitations depend on the response of the encompassing nature. Sensitivity should be assessed in relation to propinquity of the undertaking to the sites/sites listed in the identified ecologically sensitive zones ( ESZ ) notified by MoEF.

    The locating standards delineated by MoEF include:

    aˆ? Equally far as possible, land retained for agricultural intents should non be converted into an industrial site.

    aˆ? Acquired land must hold a green belt country as per regulative norms.

    aˆ’sufficient infinite and agreements must be made for hive awaying and disposing solid waste.

    aˆ? The design of the undertaking must corroborate to the landscape form of the country without unduly impacting the scenic beauties of that site.

    aˆ? Respective town of the undertaking, if any, to be created must supply for infinite for a barrier between the undertaking and the township.

    Extenuation Measures and Ecological Effect Analysis Report

    Once replacements have been examined, a extenuation program should be drawn up for the selected option and be supplemented with an Ecological Management Plan ( EMP ) to take the proponent towards Ecological betterments. The EMP is an of import input to supervising the clearance conditions and therefore inside informations of monitoring should be included in the EMP.

    An EIA study should supply clear information to the make up one’s minding commission on the different Ecological scenarios without the undertaking, with the undertaking and with undertaking options. Unknown elements should be clearly reflected in the EIA study.

    The affected individuals may include:

    aˆ? Bona fide native indigens ;

    aˆ? Native associations ;

    aˆ? Ecological groups active in the country and

    aˆ? Any other individual located at the undertaking site ( s ) of exhumation

    They are to be given an chance to do oral/written suggestions to the State

    Pollution Control Board as per the regulations and ordinances given Forth in the Notices.

    Monitoring the Clearance Conditionss

    Monitoring should be done during both the building and operations phases of a undertaking. This is non merely to guarantee that the committednesss made are complied with nevertheless besides to detect whether the anticipations made in the studies were right or non. Where the Effect exceeds the predicted degrees, disciplinary action should be taken. Monitoring will enable the regulative bureau to reexamine the cogency of anticipations and the conditions of Execution of the Ecological Management Plan ( EMP ) .

    Misdemeanors of Ecological Laws

    With mention to the Notice as given above, the undermentioned misdemeanors have taken site during the executing of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link Project

    1. Jeer of a Public Hearing

    As per the presentments issued vide the Central Ministry of Nature and Forests ( MoEF ) , dated 27th January 1994, 4th May 1994 and 10th April 1997, under the Nature Protection Act ( EPA ) , Public Hearing was compulsory in development undertakings such as the one in inquiry. The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board ( MPCB ) is responsible for keeping such Public Hearings.

    This public hearing is non a mere formality. The native population is frequently more familiar with the native deductions of a undertaking than Govt. bureaus and experts exerting their opinion from outside. Besides, in trying to acquire through a attractive undertaking, the bureaus are known to turn a blind, even to objectionable and harmful deductions, and the hearing in a public tribunal gives an chance, though limited, to foreground such effects. In add-on, public engagement is an highly important constituent of democratic administration and has to be treated earnestly, and respected nationally. Above all, the affected population has a right to be informed about any undertaking, which is likely to act upon its quality of life and Living.

    2. Incomplete Ecological Effect Analysis

    Harmonizing to a farther Notice, the Effect Assessing Agency should fix a set of recommendations based on the proficient analysis of paperss and informations furnished by the undertaking governments of the mills and sites if started and inside informations of the public hearing.

    Besides, the notice issued above, for obtaining Ecological Clearance of undertakings, the applier has to obtain a Noc from the State Pollution Control Board. The MPCB should publish this NOC merely after finishing the legal proceedings.

    In the instance being discussed, the public hearing was non held in respect to ( BWSLP ) , nor was the relevant paperss etc. made available for review to the IPT panel or other NGOs and concerned indigens. Therefore the panel concludes that the study is incompletely furnished before the eyes of the jurisprudence.

    3. Project assessment Report non Available for review or mistake determination

    As per clauses of Nature and Forests ( MoEF ) , whoever applies for Ecological Clearance of undertakings has to subject 20 sets of a sum-up of the salient characteristics of the undertaking and other relevant paperss as prescribed, by the State Pollution Control Board so that the same can be made accessible to the concerned commission or bureau in instance a public hearing is conducted. The Mumbai metropolis Ecological Action Group ( BEAG ) approached the MoEF for an chance to raise expostulations with respect to this undertaking. MoEF agreed to give them the chance to warrant their claims for rejection of the undertaking. However, no specifics, maps, designs, layouts or other information was furnished to the BEAG.

    These factors prove that from the really get downing at that place has been a deficiency of transparence in the passing and Execution of the undertaking before the eyes of jurisprudence.

    4. Proved carelessness and Misdemeanors Due to Reclamation

    In the instance of Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India,

    The State of Maharashtra and the MMRDA gave a statement that no renewal would be carried out in the Kurla Complex country and no Rhizophora mangle in the Mithi Water organic structure and its estuary would be disposed off. There has been a evident dis-obeyance of the footings and the conditions of the

    Ecological clearance notifies that “ land renewal should be kept to the lower limit, at any cost to less than 4.7 hectares and the same should be monitored closely so that it does non go against the clauses of the CRZ Notice, 1991 or as amended later. ” Mrs. Geeta Pardiwala a indigen of Shivaji Park deposed before the IPT stating that “ ab initio we were told that there would be merely two pillars on the sea nexus, one at Bandra and the other at Worli. However now they are repossessing more land, as it becomes cheaper for them to construct the span. Harmonizing to the 1994 Notice, any enlargement of all bing or new undertakings requires that non merely a fresh Ecological Effect Analysis is carried out nevertheless besides fresh permission for the said undertaking is sought and granted. This has decidedly non been adhered to in the instance of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link. The present undertaking is based on the 1992 MMRDA study ; nevertheless there are a figure of contradictions to the original recommendations. The Ecological Effect Section has recommendations by scientist C. V. Kulkarni that no farther renewal be allowed on the Bandra side, to forestall siltation in the Mahim bay and the creek country.

    In undertaking such as mentioned above, in instance new preies are to be opened, specific blessings from the competent authorization should be obtained in this respect. ” This has been violated by the Mumbai metropolis Suburban Collector who has issued the quarrying Permit. The prey on site falls under a ‘no development zone ‘ , Notified in development control ordinance for Greater Mumbai metropolis, 1991.

    Wherever fishing or other marine activities are acquiring affected, the concerned bureau should be consulted and their concurrency obtained for the undertaking in inquiry. ” The fishermen affected by the undertaking in inquiry were neither consulted nor was their consent obtained.

    Mumbai metropolis is geographically positioned to play host to creeks and shoal Waterss opposite promontories. In most of the countries, these brooks have been blocked. Mahim Creek is one of the few sites left where the moving ridges can partly come in the country.

    However, the Effect on the marine ecology, vegetations and zoologies, and the possibility of originating eroding has non been studied. With Mahim creek acquiring shallower because of the procedure of siltation, there is a greater danger for seashore like the Versova beach. The eroding here become a geological jeopardy, and has assumed dismaying chances.

    The route web in Mumbai metropolis is based on three north-south corridor paths and there are really few uninterrupted east-west paths. Therefore, Movement of Vehicles is concentrated on a few paths that have become congested. Mumbai metropolis route Movement of Vehicles has worsened by around four hundred per centum in the last 20 old ages. It poses considerable wellness issues.

    The W. S. Atkins Report ( 1994 ) was commissioned by the MSRDC to research the feasibleness of the Bandra-Worli Sea Link. The consequence of the study is based on a strategic transit computing machine theoretical account based on cost and clip of travel and calibrated for Mumbai metropolis.

    Undesirability of the Undertaking

    a ) Consequence due to Blockage of Mithi Water organic structure

    The most insidious facet of the nexus, that will jeopardize the life of every native individual, is related to the eruption of epidemics. Almost 800 million liters of sewerage is discarded everyday in the Mahim Creek, besides the 1000s of industries that release wastewaters that are located in Dharavi and upstream of the Mithi Water organic structure.

    B ) Financial Viability and Absence of Realistic Projections of Cost Recovery43

    The generalised cost of travel for the Bandra-Worli Sea Link is taken as the amount of travel clip cost, direct cost of travel and cost of uncomfortableness. By sing merely internal and direct costs borne by automobilists, the undertaking contrivers have non considered external and chance costs of the undertaking

    degree Celsiuss ) Issues with the Planning and Execution of the Undertaking

    It is non possible to accurately foretell the behavior of the sea utilizing a research based on theoretical accounts. Besides the day of the month used is outdated and the subsequent development i.e. the EPA of 1986 and the CRZ Regulation of 1991 have non been considered. Further, the CWPRS study goes on to state that the building of the span is non likely to make any inauspicious status along the costs. However as we have seen, this is decidedly non right, and among other thing with respects to Livings, inundations and mangroves the negative Effect is already being experienced

    Most experts agree that Socio-economic and fiscal instruments can assist accomplish sustainable development. Issues associating to transit are so complexly assorted with other issues, such as agricultural land usage and demographic and cultural tendencies that merely a coherent set of policy steps will work. Obviously, policy recommendations must be made on a case-by instance footing ; nevertheless some generalised attacks can be suggested. Transportation system policy schemes should dwell of Socio-economic, institutional, technological, information and land-use reforms. A balanced scheme should put criterions that can be used to accomplish full-cost recovery, inform consumers, provide options for them and incorporate societal and urban planning.


    It is understood from the above discussed study that non one, but several facets of the Ecological Regulations of the state have been violated in the proceedings of this undertaking.

    The undertaking as is planned will merely seek to extinguish the issue of vehicular pollution and Movement of Vehicles particularly in the Worli-Haji Ali Area which is already badly congested due to miss of infinite.

    The most bothersome portion of the undertaking is that in deepness research utilizing current informations have non been used to gauge the Ecological Effect of the undertaking on the site ‘s coastline, mangrove woods and marine ecology, which till day of the month remains a major defect in the program.

    Last as there has been no study started to arouse how much the indigens are willing to pay for the usage of the span it should non stop up being another white Elephant to the State ‘s treasury.

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    Risks Involved In Bandra Worli Sea Link Project Construction Essay. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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