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    Report to World Music Ensemble Essay

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    It was the first concert I had since I have been to Kent. This concert is called World Music Ensemble, which is include some Thai music, Chinese Gunning music, traditional Irish music, and music from Africa. I felt really excited because this concert include many types of music. There were two programs attract me deeply. First of all, Yanking Sandier with Chinese Gunning drew my attention. There are some reasons, maybe the biggest reasons is I can understand the lyric. The lyric is changed from an ancient poem of Wee Wang. As I know Wang, whose nickname was Poet Buddha, was a Tang Dynasty Chinese poet.

    This poem is talking about Wang send Off friend, who has been appointed envoy to the west lands. The early morning shower in Wee city has kept down dust, and the guesthouse looks trim and the willows fresh and green. Wang urged his friend to have one more drink for the road, because out west, beyond Fort Handgun, his friend has no one to turn to. Another reason is this program made me a little sad because I remember when I left China, I said goodbye to my parents and friends at the airport. The music is played by Gunning, Gunning is also known as an elegant instrument in China. The rhythm accord with the lyric, made me feel mommies.

    Another program attracted me a lot is the Palm Wine Guitar. I had a particular complex when I was a child. Every time when I heard the sound of guitar, I feel extreme peace and smooth in my emotion, for me, I call that magic sound. The deep voice of human, and the light sound of the guitar, made me feel unbelievable. Moreover, I also enjoyed the dance which was amazing and energetic. People whatever their nationalities were all can feel the passion. With the drum beat, we could not help our selves to move our bodies. The bright, swirling dresses add to the spectacle, and elicit cries of encouragement from the spectators.

    Then performers and audiences chorused, the lyric was founded in the programs guide, it was easy to sing and catch. The auditorium was full to overflowing. Perhaps the performers are not the most professional, but they showed the best to us, I learned a lot from this concert, it catcher my emotion. When I heart Thai music I felt familiar because I learned it; when I heard Gunning, I felt homesick; when I heart guitar, I felt relaxed; when I saw the dance, I felt full of passion; and when I listened the history of South Africa, I was touched. That is why I said this concert is unique. Report to World Music Ensemble By bodied

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    Report to World Music Ensemble Essay. (2017, Dec 07). Retrieved from

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