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    Renaissance Vocabulary

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    means “rebirth”, an era which emphasises education, art and critical thinking.
    a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state.
    Italian city-state was the birthplace of the Renaissance, center of Renaissance banking
    Medici Family
    rich banking family in Florence and controlled the government also.
    a way of thinking and learning that stresses the importance of human abilities and actions.
    An artistic technique that creates the appearance of three dimensions on a flat surface.
    Leonardo da Vinci
    Italian Renaissance artist that painted The Last Supper and Mona Lisa, he was also an engineer, architect, sculptor, and scientist.
    Italian Reniassance sculptor, painter, poet, engineer, and architect; famous works include the mural on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the sculpture of the David
    Italian Renaissance painter who painted members of the Medici family and religious figures.
    Johannes Gutenberg
    Inventor of the printing press, Gutenberg Bible and movable type.
    printing press
    Renaissance invention; made possible the mass production of printed books and other texts,; increased literacy.
    Italian Reniassance writier and politician; observed political events that lead to the essay he wrote called “The Prince”.
    Italian city-state- port city and manufactured glass in Renaissance Italy
    rule of merchant aristocracies over city-states in many parts of Italy
    A belief in society and government with no connection to religion
    During the Renaissance, a new concept of people value their unique talents and abilities to achieve great things.
    A government run with a constitution; in Italy oligarchies ruled, cities were republics in name only
    In Spain, popular brotherhoods who were given authority in towns to act as a local police force

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    Renaissance Vocabulary. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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