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    Renaissance, Reformation, Absolution and Exploration MC

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    the word “renaissance” means…
    a rebirth and revival of arts and sciences through Greco-Roman knowledge
    where did the Renaissance begin in?
    wrote about ideas on behavior in the person of the ideal courtier who would be loyal to his lord and would strive to act like him. who is physically fit and brave, and must love the lord’s people as his own
    sly, ruthless
    Machiavellian person today
    wrote about the power of princes and if it is better to be feared or to be loved by your subjects
    printing press
    Johannes Gutenberg
    books were made quicker and cheaper, the spread of knowledge increased across Europe, things could be printed in the vernacular because of this
    1450-1600 AD
    Renaissance dates
    urbane person
    belief in human potential
    financial supporter of the Arts
    Act of Supremacy
    made henry VIII Head of the Church of England
    Council of Trent
    met to re-evaluate Roman Catholic doctrine and teachings
    Martin Luther posted 95 thesis on Church Door
    the sinners and saints
    John Calvin believed in a world divided into…
    when a ruler has complete control over their subjects and controls every aspect of daily life
    Treaty of tordesillas
    in 1494 agreement between spain and Portugal that all newly discovered land to the East of the line of demarcation belonged to Portugal and west belonged to spain.
    Bartholomew Dias
    first european explorer to recognize that a land mass did not connect Africa to Asia
    Hernan Cortes
    explorer who successfully conquered the Aztec Empire
    Ferdinand Magellan
    successfully circumnavigated the globe
    Jean-Baptiste Colbert
    finance minister who encouraged Louis XIV to follow the economic policy of mercantilism
    bureaucrats drawn from the middle class
    Vasco da Gama
    set sail in 1497, goes down west coast of Africa, across the Indian ocean the Calicut (India)
    Christopher Columbus
    1492- goes to find Northwest Passage across the Atlantic Ocean, lands on San Salvador, caribbean
    doesn’t realize he found continent
    Pedro Albarez Cabral
    discovered Brazil for portugal
    Amerigo Vespucci
    discovered south and central america
    Francisco Pizarro
    conquered Inca in Peru
    defend the catholic reformation
    an important goal of Philip II was to
    the monarchy as an institution
    what did the restoration restore to power in england
    english war, restoration, glorious revolution
    English history events
    french Calvinists
    Charles I
    parliament had executed
    Philip II sent troops here to crush a rebellion
    cultural center of Europe in 1600s
    William and mary
    invited by English people to rule England and start the glorious revolution
    supporters of parliament
    established a foundation for constitutional monarchy
    in seventeenth century england
    disappeared from map of europe as a result of Russia Prussia and Austria
    edict of nantes
    granted religious toleration to the huguenots

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    Renaissance, Reformation, Absolution and Exploration MC. (2017, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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