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    Reflection on Mentorships Essay

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    The aim of this essay is to discuss on how the reflection on mentorship will be undertaken, how and why the model of reflection will be used and the importance of confidentiality. I will reflect the mentorship by ensuring that the mentee during clinical practice is put at ease throughout the learning experience of four weeks (Quinn, and Hughes 2007, p. 29). Also, I will use the principle of Kolb’s learning cycle as my model of reflection because reflecting is an essential element of learning.

    As I am the mentor, I will follow this cycle in a clockwise direction with Jude, so she would have to reflect on the skills learnt by reviewing the whole situation (Kolb’s learning cycle 1984 in Rose and Best 2005, p. 129). This would enable Jude to integrate theory into practice. I would use a pseudonym ‘Jude’ to comply with mentee confidentiality as stated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2004). During the orientation of Jude, I made sure that I introduced a mentoring approach in practice education, so as to support her learning and assessment in practice (NMC, 2008).

    This would develop her skills and confidence in the new placement area (RCN, 2007). I did this by introducing myself to her as a mentor, welcomed her to the department with a friendly smile, so that she would feel comfortable in the new environment (Rose and Best, 2005, p. 55). I then took Jude on a tour round the unit to familiarize her with the physical layout of the department. This would make her have a feeling of fitting in (ENB/DOH, 2001).

    Furthermore, I identified the door codes for security, showed her fire exit for safety(ENB/DH ,2001). I then introduced her to the crash trolley and explained its use in case of Emergency for safety (ENB/DOH,2001). . and%20safety>.

    Royal College of Nursing (2007) . Guidance for mentor of student nurses and midwives :on lineRCN Mentor. mentorship role, and its contribution to a student’s practice experience . Accessed 5 July 2010. Available at: http://www. rcn.

    org. uk/>. Reece, I. , and Walker, S (2000). Teaching, Training and Learning: A Practical Guide.

    Fourth edition. Sunderland . Business Education Publishers Limited, . Rose, M and Best ,D(2005)Transforming Practice Through Clinical Education . Professional Supervision and Mentoring . London :Elsevier Churchill Livingstone.

    Stuart, C. (2006) Assessment, Supervision and Support in Clinical Practice: a guide for nurses, midwives and other health professionals. London: Churchill Livingstone. Quinn, F. , and , Hughes, S.

    (2007) Principles and Practice of Nurse Education. 5th edition. Cheltenham: Stanley Thrones.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Reflection on Mentorships Essay. (2019, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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