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    Proposal for a drama on this topic Essay

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    After attending almost a whole term of drama lessons, and as stimulated by the presentations by Environmentalists recently, I have got an idea of writing a drama based on energy conservation. Below are the details of my proposal for a drama on this topic: Introduction With higher consumption of energy nowadays, people will not only have inadequate energy for use in the near future, but also suffer from adverse consequences such as global warming. It is therefore crucial to teach the younger generation not to waste energy. I propose to do this through an interesting and easy-to-understand drama targeted to all secondary school students so as to arise their awareness to the importance of environmental protection.

    Setting and characters I wish to do a drama with a fairy-like setting. The story happens in a country named Crystalia. Its name originated from a crystal pillar which generates electricity for the whole country. There will be three main characters in the designed drama. There will be a plump and extravagant Emperor, who should be a bad guy wasting resources in the country. He craves comfort and pleasure at the expense of the citizens’ livelihood. Apart from the brutal Emperor, no doubt there will be a nice and kind-hearted person, who is the Goddess of Crystal. She is the one who gives energy to the country through the crystal pillar.

    She is righteous as she stops providing energy, seeing that the Emperor is wasting energy. The hero in the drama is Robinhood. His father died during the construction of an awning, so he leads the citizens to oppose the Emperor whose act threatens the citizens’ lives. He is brave and patriotic, and he does everything for the sake of the citizens. Plot The story is about energy crisis. The Emperor is tolerant of the hot weather. Therefore, he orders the citizens to build an awning covering his own castle in which air conditioning is operated 24-hours. With the awning over his place, he is happy that he can always enjoy comfortable temperatures.

    Consuming too much energy on non-stop air conditioning, there is a shortage of energy for the crystal pillar. The Emperor can no longer enjoy comfortable temperatures. Even worse, the termination of electricity supply leads to too high temperatures in the households, and some even die because of heatstroke. The Goddess and Robinhood thus come to the Emperor, threatens the Emperor that if he puts the lives of the citizens aside of everything, she will destroy the whole country by breaking the crystal pillar. Robinhood also tells the Emperor about his father’s death and the poor livelihood of the people owning to his behaviour.

    Not until this time the Emperor understands what he has done is a catastrophe for all the people, and he deeply regrets about it. In the end, the Emperor promises not to waste energy on his awning anymore. Conclusion In is expected that after watching this drama, students will be more conscious that energy is limited and will think twice before they use energy.

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    Proposal for a drama on this topic Essay. (2017, Sep 18). Retrieved from

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