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    Political views in An Inspector Calls Essay

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    Priestley’s Political views in “An Inspector Calls” It is made clear in this essay that Priestley uses the play to promote socialism, as the play revolves around society, as each person has their own link to the death of Eva Smith, and so the blame is shared. Priestley also presents the idea of capitalism, through the voice of Mr. Birling, but is soon made a fool of as he states ridiculous things which have already been determined, such the defining the Titanic as “unsinkable”. It is also essential how this essay states the time period’s of when the play was set, as it provides an overview of additional background information, from which one can undertake the social and economic status at the time.

    Also the added emphasis over the staging devices used is highly essential, as this shows the gestures displayed between the various characters within the play, and can highlight a key aspect linked to their behavioural status. The juxtaposition between the Inspector and Mr. Birling is also stated, and it emphasises the fact that their views constantly oppose each other, and Priestley uses this as a dramatic device.

    This essay really emphasises on the dramatic devices that Priestley uses to convey his various views, and is really effective, as it enables the audience to understand the nature of the play in an easier manner, and is more appealing. The quotes used are very helpful in undermining the specific point applied to the statement, and it provides evidence for the event occurring. It is also very interesting how the different views of Eric and Sheila are provided, in comparison to those of Mr. Birling and Mrs. Birling, and it indicates a divide between the younger generation and the older generation.

    The use of how tension is used throughout the play is also a very good point, as it appears that something is about to happen next, and it raises questions in the reader’s minds. It is also evident that Priestley uses tension as a dramatic device in order to keep the audience interested and anxious to find out more, and so to alert his socialist message. He also adds tension by using a consistent amount of repetition, and this is done by the Inspector constantly reminding the Birling’s about various facts and repeats many statements numerous times.

    There is also a lot of description dedicated to the different social classes at the time, and this provides a clear image of how these different people differed in wealth. The conclusion in the end summarises the play as a whole, and describes all the different aspects of it, from the play being a murder mystery to the different political views at the time.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Political views in An Inspector Calls Essay. (2017, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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