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    Picking a college Essay (623 words)

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    Picking A CollegePicking the right college is an important step in contributing to the outcome of a person’s life. But finding the right college to suit the needs and desires of a young individual poses a difficult task.

    Much time and effort must be spent on deciding which college to attend. Avoid making a horrible mistake by rushing a decision and going somewhere not compatible with one’s aspirations. Visit the college, ask for information, look at the courses offered, and research its reputation for education. Check out the dorm rooms and campus life. Is it a beautiful campus, or just filled with buildings? Find quiet places that time could be spent reading and studying. Also look at its strengths, along with the weaknesses.

    Meeting with the professors and discussing what is offered are magnificent ways to learn more about the college. By thinking with a broad frame of mind, one doesn’t look just at colleges with the big names. Though these institutions may be wonderful colleges, they might not offer specific courses. Maybe the smaller, private schools — with their much smaller professor to student ratios — are more desirable places. Next, considering the location of the college is crucial. For instance, interests in outside sports, such as golf, should be concentrated toward the lower half of the country.

    Texas, Arizona, Louisiana, and Mississippi are prime states regarding golf. A school without a strong golfing program would not suit such a desire. Climate may also be a deciding factor in choosing the school’s location. Some people enjoy warm weather, such as the mild temperature of California.

    Lying on the beach and catching some sun sounds awfully appealing. Others prefer the crisp temperatures of the north, where numerous colleges remain famous for dominating football teams. The distance from home is a major consideration. Some people enjoy having the comfort of home close by, while others are looking to go as far as possible.

    My brother attends the University of Evansville, Indiana, which is a three-hour drive from our house. Being a short distance from home, he is able to visit on the weekends if he wishes. That’s fun for him, because he enjoys coming back for family events and playing basketball with my friends and me. I know I don’t want to stray too far from my family, although in college it is necessary to meet new people and experience living without the comforts of friends and home. College is a learning experience, setting up a person for life. Following in an older sibling’s footsteps, some students decide on the school their older brother or sister attended, which is not necessarily the right reason for choosing a college.

    Much exploration becomes crucial, setting up appointments with numerous college representatives. Settling on a college just because someone else went there can lead to an unhappy college career. Specific traits a person seeks may not be present in that college. Other people attend college with one thing, partying on their minds, which is a shame. Kids who ask around only to find the biggest party colleges are wasting their parent’s time and money. Why spend over $50,000-$80,000 dollars on an education, when they could stay home and party for free’some of college is experiencing a social life, but there is a time to separate fun and studies.

    Bouncing from college to college is not the way to spend a post-high school career. Intense research should be put forth in locating the right college. With technology today, searching for the college that suits a person’s needs should not be a problem. Many deciding factors are considered in the process of determining a college. Picking the right one is a major decision that will affect one’s life tremendously.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Picking a college Essay (623 words). (2019, Jan 06). Retrieved from

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