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    Physics in Everyday Life Essay (221 words)

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    Following of our actions in our daily life are parts of physics study. 1) When we walk or run, our motion is part of laws of mechanics and thermodynamics. 2) We eat food which undergoes chemical reactions producing heat energy which is converted into mechanical energy 3) Use of refrigerator, pressure cookers, washing machines, television, music system, computers, etc. Are all designed on the principles of physics. 4) When we speak, we produce sound properties of which like pitch and intensity are studied in physics 5) Electricity that we use in household is a gift of physics ) Automobiles design is based on physics The list is endless.

    Vela T answered 6 years ago Very vague question but practically everything we do in our daily lives involves SOME degree of physics. Putting on toast, boiling a kettle – heat energy, electricity Cycling a bike – mechanical movements Using the brakes – Friction Using a door handle – Levers and Springs Throwing a ball – weights, gravity, trajectory, air resistance 1)We walk, walk fast, run, Jog, Jump into a bus etc. All these or any type of motion is associated with Newton’s law of motion. ) When we talk, our vocal cords vibrate producing sound. ) When we eat food, the chemical energy of the food is being converted into mechanical energy which we use to do different types of work

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Physics in Everyday Life Essay (221 words). (2018, Oct 21). Retrieved from

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