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    Philosophy of education: Understanding Difficulties in Learning

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    Education is inevitable.

    It is all around us because we can learn from virtually anything. I believe that learning is the foundation of human life. Without gaining some form of knowledge, whether through experiences (trial and error) or through thought processes, one could not achieve even the simplest of the basic needs. Learning enables an individual to understand something, or create something that he or she could not previously understand, do, or create. Perhaps it is for living. Survival is not enough.

    Survival is all about the needs. Living is about the wants. You need food but what do you want? Bread’sushi? Pasta? If you do not learn how to make a choice and what choice to make, you wont really live. You would be surviving, but you havent learned enough to extract the best for yourself. Perhaps it is for a career. You need to learn skills to get certain jobs.

    One needs to manage office politics or to learn how to present and how to market. Do you go to school and learn this, or do you learn from experience? Why choose the school? Why choose experience? Why only go through the trouble of learning just for a job, especially when you are not sure? Perhaps it is to give back. An individual would want to share their knowledge. If you dont learn about your own control, you will either selfishly hoard all or give too much away until those who really need it cant have it.

    Why we learn is a complex question where answers are never easy to come by. Researchers define the learning process by different ways of thinking. Attitudes and perceptions both affect our ability to learn. We are less likely to learn, for example, if we view our classrooms as unsafe or disorderly. Negative attitudes towards the classroom or tasks would lead us to put little effort into those tasks. We must be given Wroblewski- 2the opportunity to establish positive attitudes and perceptions about our classrooms which is key to learning.

    Acquiring and integrating knowledge is an important aspect of learning when learning new information. We must be guided in relating the new knowledge to whatever we already know, organizing that information, and than making it part of our long-term memory. Acquiring new skills and processes requires us to learn a series of steps to shape the skill or process to make it efficient and effective for us, and finally, internalize or practice the skill or process it so we can perform it easily. We develop an in-depth understanding through the process of extending and refining our knowledge. By rigorously analyzing what we have learned we apply reasoning processes that will help us extend and refine the information. The most effective learning occurs when we use knowledge to perform meaningful tasks.

    Education is the key to our future prosperity. It is a lifelong benefit. It is the key to unlocking and understanding our own culture and society. Many of us are compelled to keep coming back to it, whether formally in school or college, in the workplace, or informally through reading a good book. What we learn through educating ourselves is not about academic attainment, it is about fulfilling out potential.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Philosophy of education: Understanding Difficulties in Learning. (2019, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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