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    Pet Shop Essay

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    I’ve been in lots of pet shop, and theyfve alwaays seemed to be cute, happy, friendly, clean places. Thatfs why, on a recent Sunday afternoon, I stopped in a pet shop for to see pets. Ifd been visiting my friends, whom I talked about cute pets, and saw that we were favorite pets. A pets shop, however, was not the place I had impression-it was different.

    Even the outside of the pet shop was dirty. These were much kind of birds in cage they showed in front of the shop, which looked like a zoo. A pet shop leaved birdfs dropping and fell down theirs feather all over. They were screamed and made noise when the customer entered in shop. We felt small and surprised when we listened them.

    The pet shop was noisy when I entered. Same things the entrances, inside noises were injured our feel. Almost dogs and cats in cage, they were gathered stress because they couldnft walk and run about in free. Therefore they barked when they saw the customer. Some dogs and cats were disciplined not to bark, but I felt that they wanted to free and to go out of theirs cage.

    The pet shop rules have a cruel for unsold pets. They had to sold before they were reached full growth because petfs nurture easily when they were child therefore almost the customers wanted to buy puppy and almost people liked puppy than grew up pets.

    The pet shopfs owner reduced the price by 50 percent; nevertheless, if they couldnft sell they were killed. When I went to the pet shop. I saw a dog. He was good dog and popular type of dogs and he was so smart. In addition to he had pedigree but he was grown up already. I was taken the dog but I couldnft buy to him because I had not enough to money for buying him and I couldnft have a dog as a pet. Later on I stopped in same pet shop and I asked the clerk to make sure that the dog whether sold or not. 

    Oh, that dog didnft sold so, my owner took order with him. I donft know after what do.h She said.

    Some time the pet shop terribly cruel places when I visiting there but the pet shop was gave us to pleasure at least when we bought pets and we saw cute puppy and kitten.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Pet Shop Essay. (2018, Jun 11). Retrieved from

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