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    Patriot Act Argumentative Essay

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    One of the worst, yet momentous events in U. S history occurred on September 11th, 2001. This event released a flow of patriotic fervor and a permanent fear among all Americans that they had also now become suspect to acts of international terrorists. This led to a lot of changes in the attitudes of the executive and legislative branches in the United States government.

    They came up almost immediately with new measures, which were supposedly against terrorism or terrorist threats. One of the principle acts passed by them was called “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001,” also called the USA Patriot Act. This was signed and approved as law by President Bush on October 26th, 2001. This act is one of the most sweeping acts passed in the history of modern America.

    The Act affects the civil liberties of the citizens of USA and even non-citizens who are residing in America on a regular basis. The question though, is if the United States is faced with a Major Crisis like 091101 brought forth, is it permissible to allow the Government the expanded powers to set fourth the laws and enforcement needed to protect our country? And is it permissible to take away many citizens liberties while doing so? The answers may vary, some people may fight for there rights some may not even care. When it comes down to it, we’re all American citizens and we might not all be part of the U. S.

    Army, or the United States Marine Corp. but we are all solders. We all have the same responsibility to protect our Nation and its citizens. Many may speculate that our “rights” are being violated.

    That six of there most coveted rights and Amendments are being violated by the government that is supposed to enforce that each citizen have them. Anyone that has an opinion on there rights, basically has two choice is the matter. They can not worry about what there rights are and how they could be violated and save thousands or millions of United States citizen lives in one way or another, or they can fight the Government and keep all there rights as they see they have them, and cause thousands of innocent deaths, just like what occurred on 091101. All the Patriot act did after 091101, was keep the honest people honest.

    That’s all it is meant to do, while weeding out the snakes and rats that can cause harm to our country. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Treason as “the betrayal of trust; the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family. ” Better understood too many American citizens as a traitor. The United States of America has seen is share of traitors, from the most well known, Benedict Arnold, to least known Aaron Burr who conspired to commit treason, and one who is known but is know as a murderer not a Treasonous, Lee Harvey Oswald.

    With the attacks in New York, and our Nations Capital on 091101, many are left wondering if we have yet again another Treasonous criminal. Even with Treason being a Capital Felony, charged with life in prison without parole, was it tempting to someone who has a grudge against our nation to commit and help in these acts? With the Patriot Act in place, we will be able to prevent any act of Treason from happening, from any person speculated to possible committing the act. See many Americans think that with this act, the Government may phone tap your house and invade your privacy. They feel that the Government would be able to here every word you speak over the phone.

    I mean if I wanted to I could turn on a CB radio and listen to the right frequency and listen to what you have to say whenever you make a call now, so forget about the wire taps. Regardless of how many Americans see it, it’s not as harsh as they read it and interoperate. The Patriot Act is set fourth to protect the citizens from the same kind of attacks that took place on 091101 or even the attacks of 120741 Pearl Harbor, there must be some kind of suspicion or probable cause for the U. S.

    A. to go through the extensive process of taking away your liberties. It is true that anyone could be expected of Terrorism or Treason, but there must be some kind of suspicion for the U. S. A. to do such tactics.

    The process of wire tapping, checking bank records, and a where about of yourself or person you confide to is no easy task, and the Government isn’t about to spend billions of dollars to try to track your life with out some kind of suspicion. As long as you’re an honest person, not trying to cause harm or terror to the Government and its people, your rights and freedoms will remain in tact and none will be threatened. I fully support the United States Government and its actions based on a major crisis to create an act that protects the citizens and its Nation as a whole. However I strongly believe that within the act, there must be reasonable suspicion to carry fourth and enforce the act and deprive the right of a citizen. Even though I support the Patriot Act for this time of need, I strongly disagree with the “Patriot II” the act that was intended to follow Patriot and grant the government even broader powers which would give the FBI and CIA greater powers to spy and become more secreted then they already are. The plans of Patriot II were leaked out in bits and pieces of there past winter causing a little despair, the Government ensured that the Patriot II is dead and will never take effect.

    However look for the Government, mainly President Bush’s slaves, to incorporate many of the clauses this fall in the guise of the Victory Act. Many of the clauses in the Patriot II and Victory Act, I am strongly against, due to the fact even without reasonable suspicion the government could do as they please, and many civil liberties would be violated. Like I stated, I do support the judgment of expanded power during the time of need, within a certain period of time durations of the War and with reasonable suspicion to deprive a citizen of rights, I will proudly diminish the level of rights I carry to protect that of others. I’m a proud United States citizen and I have nothing to hide at all, not even my pride.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Patriot Act Argumentative Essay. (2019, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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