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    In order to provide effective guidance for Lisa Essay

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    Helping techniques such as those discussed in Egan’s (2002) ‘The Skilled Helper’ and activities suggested by the Unit for Development of Adult and Continuing Education (UDACE), this will enable the practitioner to use appropriate techniques for the areas Lisa requires help with.  Skills that must be in use whilst working with Lisa include, empathy, unconditional positive regard and congruence, these reflect Rogers (1951) Core Conditions for therapy.  The practitioner must also have the skills to access and undertake further research into other areas that they may not have specialist knowledge of.

    The practitioner needs to be able to not only advocate on the clients behalf, but also empower them and put them at the centre of all work done together. Communication and Interpersonal skills are important to be able to relate theory or advice to the client (Thompson, 2000). The practitioner must have good organisational, analytical and planning skills in order to work with Lisa, uncover her real needs and create an action plan with realistic goals (Connexions, 2001).  The practitioner must be committed to ongoing learning, partnership working and be open to change (Thompson, 2000).

    They should have the values of professionalism, a positive belief in clients and in the values of the organisation.  The practitioner must ensure they remain objective in their role and not relate client’s problems to their own or get too emotionally involved. However, it may be rather difficult to provide a caring, supportive service without becoming very involved and taking on a certain amount of responsibility (Thompson, 2000).  It is important that the practitioner has effective systems of referral available and knows when to refer and who to.

    With Lisa the practitioner may begin to uncover some deeper emotional problems associated with her fathers death and she should then be offered counselling sessions. 2. Select one of Lisa’s needs, that you have already identified, and provide examples of how specific skills and characteristics of the guidance practitioner could be used to support Lisa in resolving this need. 3. Discuss the added value of adopting an interagency approach to meeting Lisa’s needs, with reference to current policy initiatives.


    Connexions (2001) Diploma for Connexions Personal Advisers. Crown Copyright 2001 DfEE (2000) Introduction to Connexions Reference Guide available through Connexions Egan, G (2002) The Skilled Helper (7th edition) Brooks/Cole: California Heron, J (2001) Helping the Client (5th edition) London: Sage Kolb, D. A (1984) Experiential Learning Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall Thompson, N (2000) Theory and Practice in the Human Services Buckingham: The Open University Press BA (Hons) Human Services- Year 3 March 2004 Advice and Guidance Alison Skellern.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    In order to provide effective guidance for Lisa Essay. (2017, Dec 07). Retrieved from

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