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    The opening Scenes of Dracula Essay

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    The reason Elizabetha died is because some one during the battle shoots an arrow throw the window of the castle with a note on it. The note said that Dracula had died in the battle; Elizabetha was so upset she flung herself from her balcony with the note still in her hand. Dracula sees the note in her hand, picks it up and he starts to read it. He gets more and more upset as he goes through this letter; the priests walk into the room at this point. He then stands up and walks over to the priests, and says WHY WHY WHY?

    But the priests say nothing. Dracula tells them he doesn’t believe in God any more. He then draws his sword and starts swinging it around the cathedral, he runs over to a big cross in the middle of the room and plant’s it into the cross. Blood then starts poring out of the cross, then the candles and the angel’s eyes. Dracula starts to drink the blood from the cross. This is not a particularly nice part of the scene and it makes you feel uneasy and worried about Dracula’s sanity.

    As the blood gets closer to Elizabetha’s body Dracula gets angrier and angrier and then as it touches her body he lets out a great raw AAAAAHHHH, at this point the scene ends. So in conclusion I think that it is a very good first scene and it shows dramatic tension from both characters. Camera angles help this because it helps you to believe you are in that position. The scenery, lighting and music all add to the effect and makes you want to watch the rest of the play Before I saw the play I did not know much about Dracula and thought I would not like it, this scene has now completely changed my mind.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The opening Scenes of Dracula Essay. (2017, Nov 13). Retrieved from

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