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    Believed by many to be one of the world’s greatest writers, Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Colombian-born author and journalist, winner of the 1982 Nobel Prize for Literature and a pioneer of the Latin American “Boom. ” Affectionately known as “Gabo” to millions of readers, he first won international fame with his masterpiece, One Hundred Years of Solitude, a defining classic of twentieth century literature. Whether writing short stories, epic novels, or nonfiction, Gabo is above all a brilliant storyteller, and his writing is a tribute to both the power of the imagination and the mysteries of the human heart. In Gabo’s world, where flowers rain from the sky and dictators sell the very ocean, reality is subject to emotional truths as well as physical boundaries. It is a world of great beauty and great cruelty; a world where love brings both redemption and enslavement; and a world where the lines between objective reality and dreams are hopelessly blurred.

    It is a world very much like our own. On Translation and Garcia Marquez – A speech delivered by Edith Grossman at the 2003 PEN Tribute to Garcia Marquez. Serenade – Garcia Marquez tells the story of his parents’ courtship and marriage in the New Yorker. The Power of Garcia Marquez – A New Yorker article from September 1999. Shipwrecked – Garcia Marquez’ New York Times op-ed piece on Elian Gonzalez. Love in the Time of Cholera Film – July 22, 2004, The Guardian.

    Stone Village has acquired the film rights to film Garcia Marquez’s novel of long-delayed love. In the Shadow of the Patriarch – Nov. 2, 2003, New York Times Magazine. Francisco Goldman on Garcia Marquez. Solitude ; Company – Summer 2003, Paris Review. Silvana Paternostro interviews Gabo’s friends and relations.

    Gabo Misquote – 22 May 03, BBC. Garcia Marquez misquoted on Colombian drug situation. Gabo Support of Cuba – 2 May 03, BBC. Garcia Marquez signs letter defending Cuban government. “Farewell letter” is a hoax – “La marioneta,” a poem thought to be Gabo’s “farewell” is just a strange hoax. Memoria de mis putas tristesGabo’s new novella, Memories of My Melancholy Whores.

    (Spanish only) Florencia en el AmazonasA new recording of Daniel Catan’s opera, inspired by Love in the Time of Cholera. Living to Tell the TaleThe English translation of Gabo’s memoirs. The uncertain old man whose real existence was the simplest of his enigmas(Biography)Who is Gabriel Garcia Marquez? A biography and timeline, giving the dates of his major works and some of the events that helped shape his writing. Space was changed and time corrected by the designs of his absolute will(Works/Bibliography)A complete bibliography, with a short synopsis and review of his major works.

    Includes novels, short stories, and works only available in Spanish. “Books are worthless,” Abrenuncio said with good humor(Reviews)Reviews of works by and about Garcia Marquez. The guardian angels of poetry took advantage of the opportunity to clarify matters(Criticism)A comprehensive overview of books about Garcia Marquez and his works. In spite of this, to oppression, plundering and abandonment, we respond with life. (Nobel Prize Lecture)A copy of Garcia Marquez’s Nobel Prize lecture, “The Solitude of Latin America,” delivered on December 8, 1982. The way my grandmother used to tell stories(Magical Realism)For better or worse, Garcia Marquez is inextricably linked to a style of literature called “magical realism.

    ” This page details magical realism and the controversies surrounding the term. How does one know, then, which is the final version? (Audio: Books on Tape)A few of Gabo’s works have been recorded as audiobooks, and this section will endeavor to catalog them. “This is the great invention of our time. “(Film & TV)Garcia Marquez has worked closely with cinema all his life. Here you will find a growing directory of films based on his work.

    The topic of music was almost a magic formula that he used to propose friendship(Music)Music and opera inspired by the works of Garcia Marquez. Strange maps and fabulous drawings(Images)An online gallery of Garcia Marquez images, photographs, paintings, and book covers. Fate was written in Melquiades parchments(Papers)Papers and essays written about Garcia Marquez and his works. “Don’t worry,” the colonel consoled her.

    “The mail comes tomorrow. “(Internet Mailing Lists & Clubs)Instructions on how to join Macondo Post, the Garcia Marquez mailing list. “The world must be all fucked up,” he said then,”when men travel first class and literature goes as freight. “(Bookstore)A very comprehensive catalog of Garcia Marquez’s works and Garcia Marquez-related titles, directly available for ordering online through Amazon. com Books.

    A house asleep that was larger inside than out(Offsite Links)Links to other sites around the net pertaining to Garcia Marquez. “Damn it,” he sighed. “How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!”(FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions)Do you have a question about Garcia Marquez, this Web site, or the fellow who runs it? Try the Macondo FAQ file first. His fervour for the written word was an interweaving of solemn respect and gossipy irreverence(Contact)Send email to the Great Quail – comments, suggestions, corrections, criticisms, submissions . . .

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