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    Nutrition in Mountain Biking Essay

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    Waterworld 1. Muscles produce 30-100 times more heat while riding 2. Waterdoesn’t supply calories, minerals, or vitamins A. But it is used for almostevery body function B. 55-65% of body weight is water 3.

    When losing a quart offluid heart beats 8 more times a minute 4. Before a long ride starthyperhydrating 1 day in advance 5. Do drinking strategies during your trainingII. Rehydrate 1.

    Drink alot after a ride 2. Sports drinks replenish the best 3. Eat alot of salty snacks A. Sodium makes your blood like a sponge B.

    mealscontain more sodium naturally than sports barsIII. Diet helps 1. 60% of your daily fluid comes from food 2. Fruit andvegatables are great fluid sources 3. Foods high in fat do not provide to muchfluidIV.

    Equipment 1. Warm up bikes are good for bad weather or the dark 2. Good forintense intervalsV. Liquids 1. Replenish your self after rides 2. As soon as the rides over isthe best time to replenish 3.

    Drink or eat 100 grams of carbo 4. Drinking carbois much faster than eating carbo 5. You can spend over $1000 a year on recoverydrinksVI. Cereal 1.

    Flakes are carbo rich, low in fat, and quickly digested 2. Sugarcoated are not bad either 3. Most cereals contain less than 2 grams of fat perservingWhen riding a bicycle, your muscles produce 30-100 times more heat thanwhen your body is at rest. The body puts out this inferno by increasing thesweat rates. In the summer you can lose over two liters of fluid per hour on areally hot day, dehydration and saddle soars are the leading reasons cyclistsdrop out of races. The body loses this much fluid mostly from an increase insweat rates.

    Water does not supply calories, minerals, or vitamins, but it ismandatory almost for every body function. It keeps body temperatures fromrising while the person is exercising. Water accounts for 55-65% of your bodyweight. Cyclist that lose over a quart rate, which goes up to eight beats perminute a decrease in cardiac function, and an increase in body temperature. This is a study by Edward Coyle Ph.

    D. Director of the Humane PerformanceLaboratory at the University of Texas (Walsh 92). Dehydration can possibly increase metabolic stress on muscles. It alsocauses problems on your internal thermostat by decreasing blood flow to the skin,slowing sweat rates, and increasing the time needed for fluids to be absorbedinto the blood stream. What is worse, by the time you feel thirsty, your bodyhas already lost 1-2% of its body weight.

    Drink lots of water every day, butbefore a long ride or a race, start hyper hydrating twenty four hours in advance. Avoid drinks containing alcohol or caffeine because they both make the bodyexcrete more water. If you can not meet your calorie needs, use sports drinks,recovery drinks or other liquid supplements. Try to step fluid lost to sweat,practice drinking strategies during your training. Determine how much sweat youlose by weighing yourself before and after your rides Every pound lost equalssixteen ounces of fluids.

    It takes practice to drink more than a quart of fluidper hour without getting cramps or internal discomfort. A hydration bladdersystem such as Camelbak, provides water and will help you drink more (Walsh 94). After you have ridden for a while drink plenty of fluids. What youdrink after the ride can make a difference.

    Coyle also compared the effects ofdrinking nearly two liters of water, sport drinks, or diet cola in athletes twohours after a workout, the results showed diet cola replenishes 54% of thefluids lost; water, 64%; and sport drinks, 69%. Before or while riding youshould eat salty snacks. Sodium makes your blood like a sponge so you canabsorb more water and excrete less. Athletes such as cyclists should also drinkplentiful with meals and snacks, because food naturally contains many times moresodium than soft drinks or energy bars (Walsh 95).

    About 60% of your daily fluid comes from the food you eat, but somefoods increase hydration better than others. Fruits and vegetables are greatfluids sources, they are 80-95% water by weight. Fat and Water do not mix verywell, so many foods high in fat do not provide plenty of water (Walsh 95). Most popular sport drinks contain sodium, potassium, and otherelectrolytes. Sport .

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    Nutrition in Mountain Biking Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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