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    Nonverbal Communication And Body Language Essay

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    IntroductionNonverbal communication is one of the most important and necessary ways of communicating a message. According to, the definition of nonverbal communication is “Aspects of communication such as gestures and facial expression, that do not involve verbal communication but which may include nonverbal aspects of speech itself…” (Dictionary ¶ 1) How one dresses, react to issues, sends signals, and how they carry themselves are all examples of nonverbal communication. There are differences in how men and women communicate nonverbally, especially with regard to body language, emotions, voice, and appearance. In fact, women use nonverbal communication more effectively than men (Goman, 2009).

    This is because “Women may have been involved to be more sensitive to nonverbal cues than men because of advantages in terms of the survival of their offspring”( Bognar 2012, slide 34) Nonverbal communication differences between men and women are very noticeable on an everyday basis. The way people read one’s body is crucial while trying to communicate a message. Body Language Body language in the workplace entails both using one’s body to communicate messages as well as being able to read other people’s body language. Some examples of body language includes posture, facial expressions, arm and hand positioning, eye contact and the distance between the speaker and listener. The ability to read body language, pick up nonverbal cues is the top strength with women” (Goman, 2009) Because of this, women are capable of making quicker decisions and responses than men. Facial expressions are more highly expressed more as well.

    Women are more active and responsive when engaged in a conversation. Even eye contact is drastically di. .f Nonverbals in the Workplace. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.

    comDictionary (n.d.) Retrieved November 21st, 2014 from (2013, January 16) Nonverbal Communication Differences in Men and Women.

    WordPress Retrieved from:, Carol K.(2009). Venus, Mars, and Workplace Communication. Retrieved from: http://www., Andy. (2012).A Primer on Communication Studies. Retrieved from http://2012books.lardbucket.

    org/books/a-primer-on-communication-studies/s04-nonverbal-communication.htmlZmorenski, Debbie. Keys to Better Workplace Communication. Retrieved on November 21, 2014

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Nonverbal Communication And Body Language Essay. (2019, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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