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    NCAA sports integrity Essay (696 words)

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    NCAA sports integrity EssayIn the area of collegiate sports, there have been numerous heated debates about the integrity of many things concerning the NCAA and how it handles legal and ethical issues. In this paper I will not do a standard report by simply regurgitating the information I read.

    Instead I will try my best to give you my opinion of the issues previously mentioned, and finally what the authors feel should be done to remedy this dilemma as well as my own opinion on the matter, but first I will discuss the issues involved in athletic scholarships. Instrumental constraint is basically the control, or constraint of material rewards and resources, or in this case room and board or extra spending money for athletes receiving scholarships based on their athletic performance. The whole point of athletic scholarships are to free the already over taxed athlete from worrying about getting a full time job in order to pay for classes, spending money, and room and board, on top of the full time job of school, and sports. But the dilemma is not in the money or in the scholarship itself; instead it lies in the eligibility and ethics of the issues.

    Take for instance Joe Schmoe, a well-rounded basketball player for the University of Anywhere. Last summer, after graduating from high school, Joe receives a letter from U of A offering him a full ride basketball scholarship starting this fall. Joe, excited as ever and not thinking of the fine print, agrees and leaves that September to attend the University. During that years’ regular season, Joe receives a resounding blow to his elbow and upper arm from a slip and fall accident on his way to class.

    The doctors tell Joe that he will not be able to play basketball ever again. Devastated, Joe returns to his dorm room and finds a letter from the university, informing him that he no longer has his full ride scholarship and must begin paying for his own room and board. Not able to pay for the $15,000 a year to attend the University, and his parents also unable to pay, Joe drops out of school and becomes a gas station attendant. Now the same thing would happen if Joe simply decided to no longer play for U.

    of A. in order to concentrate on his studies. Where’s the problem in this? Well, according to the NCAA’s rules, no athlete may be a professional and receive payment while in college and playing college sports. But doesn’t that sound like employment to you? Wasn’t Joe just fired from his job of Basketball? Wasn’t that athletic scholarship his salary? Now I’ll discuss the issue of professionalism in sports.

    The main problem with professionalism in college sport is that what began as amateurs’ competing for the pure fun and pleasure of it, with a little bit of school rivalry, has turned into a multi-million dollar business. No longer is the focus on higher education, the focus is now on whether or not the NCAA can make 200 million dollars with ESPN or 250 million with NBC in contracting out the television rights. Back in 1952, the University of Pennsylvania’s football team generated over $500,000 in revenues for its university. Did you know that none of the revenues that colleges make off this contract are taxable? Oh no, if the proceeds go towards the benefit of higher education, then Uncle Sam can’t touch it, so now you know where Duke got the money to pay for its three best basketball players who will most likely bring in millions of dollars in revenue for making it to the final four this year.

    What if they became the national champions? How much money would they make then? All of it tax free and legal. When did colleges turn into multi million dollar corporations? When did they lose the idealism that still lives on in such groups as the Division III schools and the Ivy League? When was the last time you saw a Yale vs. Harvard rowing match on ESPN? Never, and do you want to know why? Because nobody will pay to watch it, and those universities have the integrity to .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    NCAA sports integrity Essay (696 words). (2019, Mar 02). Retrieved from

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