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    National Geographic: Mysteries Underground Essay

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    National Geographic: Mysteries UndergroundThe video I reviewed was a National Geographic film called MysteriesUnderground. This video was about extraordinary sites there are to see inunderground caves. You traveled along with cave explorers and got to see allthe beautiful untouched natural formations such as gypsum chandeliers, gnarledcalcite columns, and jewel-like lakes. It showed and talked about all thecareful proceders the cave explorers go through. It also talked about how theformations were made over such a long time.

    I learned many interesting things that would never seem possible. Inthe world’s new most exotic ,Lechuguilla, cave there lied water so clean andclear that the cave explorers were forced to take all there clothes off beforethey swam acrossed it because the littlest dirt from any clothing wouldcontaminate the pureness of the water. All the cave explorers are very cautiousas to what they touch or where they step because some of the crystal formationsare so fragile that the slightest vibration from a voice or a footstep couldruin millions of years of forming. In some parts of caves there are giant andvery smooth ice formations that must be slid down very carefully because if theyare not taken cautiously you will pick up to much speed while sliding andfinally hit some kind of stone wall or something. One lady was not carefulenough and boy did she pay.

    She was only a mile and a half or so in the caveand she broke her leg. It took almost five days to get who to the surface ofthe cave where she could be attended to. Also I found out that caves were muchlarger then I had originally thought. The largest cave now, Mammoth Cave, isover 200 miles long. And if you are exploring a cave being miles and miles fromthe entrance it is very important that you be careful because if you break yourleg that far from the entrance it would probably take months to get you outsafely.

    One safety precaution I learned was that when the explorers aretraveling through cold water they must make sure they don’t get their upperbodywet because that will cause them to freeze and get many sicknesses that arecaused by the cold. One thing that I found interesting was that with thetechnology today you would think that we would have all the caves discovered andexplored. We aren’t close at all. In fact some caves have been being exploredfor years and there is still no end in sight.

    That just goes to show that thereis still much more to learn and discover. I would recommend this video to anyone who is fascinated by the amazingthings mother nature can create. This one hour video will give you a lifetimeof information. It reminds you that anything is possible and to keep an openmind. You would enjoy this video because it is most of the very rare filmfootage ever made on some of the amazing formations.

    Since no other films orshows are out there like this one, everything they say and show you is new, soyou learn a great amount. Friedberg, L (Producer), ; Friedberg, L (Director). (1992). NationalGeographic Video: Mysteries Underground Videotape.

    (Available from NationalGeographic Society).

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    National Geographic: Mysteries Underground Essay. (2019, Feb 02). Retrieved from

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