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    My Favorite Music Is R Essay (181 words)

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    Platinum fire is… fire

    Listening to Platinum Fire was like experiencing Déjà vu, being completely mesmerized, and seemingly locked under a music spell. You know how you hear a song so good you just keep replaying it over and over again. Each time reliving a little piece of bliss. Well imagine this happening for an entire album. The album exudes real R&B using real instruments to convey true emotion on every track. Arin is in his own league!

    Okay so I’m late, maybe you’ve heard it maybe you haven’t. Chances are you’ve heard it and you’re absolutely in love with the albums’ overall quality and ambiance. Then again chances are you haven’t heard it and you somehow ended up here. Well as soon as you’re done reading this GO LISTEN it easily competes as one of my favorite albums of 2018. Arin Ray released his debut album titled Platinum Fire earlier this year and let me just say although I just recently discovered it I am OBSESSED. The fourteen track album features several main stream artists such as YG, Ty Dolla Sign, DRAM, and SIR. Arin quickly lets us know that he’s no music industry rookie as he is a known composer for Chris Browns’ Royalty album, K Michelle, as well as Justine Skye’s ULTRAVIOLET.

    Arin’s Platinum Fire taps into old 90’s r&b yet embodying a very new and unique sound. It was like listening to a male SADE, infused with SZA’s whimsical energy, sprinkled with quite the male cockiness. If you like Sabrina Claudio, 6lack, or DVSN then this is definitely the album for you. Throughout the Album Arin does the opposite of opening up and allowing listeners into his personal life. He hints at it ever so slightly while eluding you mysteriously with his metaphors, incorporating shorter length of songs, and increasing each songs replay value. I was hitting replay unconsciously. He still manages to make each song super relatable. Each track tackling a different vice. I’m telling you CRACK. His easy-going melodic tone provides a different sound when combined with the perfect instruments. Many of the songs sound like they were created using a live band giving the Album a more authentic and warm feel. (Hence the album art).

    Songs like ‘HMU ‘ft. Childish Major, where Arin brags about how one girl hits him up and he realizes how great he has pretended to feel until she decides to contact him which he’s happy about, but knows she will as he states “f him up”. A dilemma everyone has been through. Everything seems fine until that one girl or guy calls and then you’re like “welp there goes my focus”.

    ‘Take’ ft. R&B assassin Ty Dolla Sign is one of Arin’s racier and more sexual songs. He explains how he just wants to take a girl home. The song has a very Spanish R&b- like feel. Arin’s voice is warm and inviting over the slow beat.

    ‘We Aint Homies’ ft. YG and F*** Yall ft. Sir are two of Arin’s more arrogant songs. I was like “Yessssirrrr talk your Ishh Arin!” Still melodic and catchy Arin blows off some steam addressing the noise surrounding him as an artist and ever so politely singing “F***” Yall to those who seemingly doubted him. TDE’s very own SIR provides the perfect accomplice to his “talk your shit track” Arin ends the track saying “I just wanna sign my deal”. Well big ups to the Cincinnati native who is now signed to Interscope. Mission accomplished.

    My personal favorite “With or Without”, (I’ll go in depth about this one.) The song begins with a sleek and ominous beat. Arin explains how love works singing things like “It takes time to find love, and it takes two to combine love and how everyone lives life to go through things but, you can’t let that effect your relationship. Arin shockingly poses the question to his girl “how you gone tell me, that you’re not happy, that you’re better off without my love?” The song is a paradox. Arin talks about all the things they should do and that they are doing to ensure the success of their relationship. All the while his girl tells him that’s not what she wants and that she’d be better off without him. Imagine thinking you understand the concept of something. (Something; being love) Thinking that you’re providing someone with everything they want. To hear them tell you it is not what they want and that they’d be better off without it.


    “Who Came up Missin’ seems like a prelude to track 12 “Never Find Me” where he responds ironically to himself as if he’s the person that has been lost. Like I said so many clever metaphors. Still the track provides a smooth rhythmic feel and enables vibes for a late night cruise with your favorite person. (Am I the only person that just goes for a drive to clear my mind and listen to good music?) Well this is the perfect cruise music. The Album is easily 5 stars. Realistic rating of 12/14 since there are 14 tracks and I only disliked two which I can easily say weren’t strong dislikes. Platinum Fire is the perfect anytime anywhere album with wonderful replay value. You’re sure to be entranced. Arin’s shadowy and pleasing tone over silky jazz-like beats provides listeners with a seamless R&B getaway.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My Favorite Music Is R Essay (181 words). (2017, Dec 05). Retrieved from

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