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    My Career Objectives Essay (1775 words)

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    All people have challenges and goals they’ll work towards, and fight for throughout their lifetime. A goal I’d like to accomplish and will work towards in the next four years is attaining a Bachelors Degree and entry into New York University School of Medicine. I’ve dreamt of reaching ‘Match day’ ever since I saw my aunt (who’s, now, a doctor) smile ear to ear; after being told she would be practicing right here in Syracuse, New York. ‘Match Day’ can be defined as, “Access to graduate medical training programs such as residencies is a competitive process known as “the Match.

    Senior medical students usually begin the application process at the beginning of their (usually) fourth and final year in medical school. After they apply to programs, programs review applications and invite selected candidates for interviews held between October and February. After the interview period is over, students submit a “rank-order list” to a centralized matching service (currently[when? ] the National Resident Matching Program, abbreviated NRMP) by February.

    Similarly, residency programs submit a list of their preferred applicants in rank order to this same service. (“Residency (medicine)”). I love hearing my aunt’s ‘ED stories’; which range anywhere from the girl who had just threatened to “beat her down”, or how fascinated she was when she had to feel her way around someone’s lungs and stomach through a bullet wound. I don’t want to enter a profession where I’ll be miserable due to being stuck in a stuffy-lifeless building all day. Having my own practice would certainly allow me to avoid that by giving me the option of personalizing the environment in which I will work the rest of my life.

    My strong lust for the Medical field and my ability to work well and make quick decisions in high-pressure situations is a trait that will be well utilized to my advantage in this profession. Ever since elementary school, I have always been an incredibly determined, and driven person for everything that I set out to do. I love to help people, and make a difference in the lives of those who are in need. This is in part of what gives me the drive to become a doctor; I believe this will be the most enjoyable way of making a difference in people’s lives.

    Why? Because the experience of saving someone’s life, seems as though it would be one to remember. A wise scholar once said to me, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. ” (qtd. from Jo Ann Fox-Wright). This quote is one that I will live by, in that I love taking care of people; and by doing that for a career, I plan on never working a day in mu life. My inspiration was also due to real life situations. When I was younger, I was always, and still am, the caretaker amongst many other personality types that I associated with.

    I always took animals in, and cared for them until they recovered from whatever it was that was affecting them to the extent of needing my assistance. Knowing I saved an animals life made me proud, and was one of the most eye-opening experiences that pushed me towards wanting to be a doctor. Despite having the fear of being “hard-pressed to find research positions or other opportunities within a school’s hospital or medical center. ” (“The pre-med struggle bus: pros & cons of 7-year bs/md programsI aspire to major in Pre-Medicine or one of the sciences. ”), I still aspire to major in Pre-Medicine.

    This major will benefit me in the sense that it will put me on track to becoming a strong and successful medical student. I will utilize my perseverance skills I acquired during high school to work hard on all of my coursework, volunteer activities, clinical experiences, research, and the medical school application process. With a broad perspective on what it’s like to be a medical student I believe that this is a goal I can accomplish. Academically speaking, I may have not been the strongest student in high school. I am currently enrolled at Onondaga Community College(OCC), trying to attain my associates degree in math and science.

    I may not be the strongest student, academically, in college either; but I do intend on doing my best to strive and persevere through even the toughest of times during my college career. In my third semester at OCC, I plan on applying to NYU: School of Medicine. I will intern and volunteer to several institutions such as JFK Medical Center prior to applying, to enhance my resumé above other applicants. The main reason I will do this is because the admissions board of NYU reportedly admires intellectuals who show that they “have interests outside of your major, particularly community service. (“New York University – How to Get into NYU (Undergraduate)”).

    Subsequent to graduating medical school and passing all of the required exams, I will have to complete a 3 year residency, and an additional 1 to 3 year fellowship program to sub specialize in Pain Management to then be officially licensed as an Anesthesiologist. (“How to Become an Anesthesiologist. ”). I try not to let what others say bring me down or prevent me from chasing my dreams and goals. As I was once told by my mother, “People will say anything to bring you down and discourage you from excelling and doing what you love.

    Ignore those people and by way of your success, make them sorry they ever doubted you. ” It was the most motivational line she had ever hit me with, and this is one thing that drives me to be successful and follow my dreams, in general. An Anesthesiologist, in essence, “is a medical doctor who cares for a patient before, during and immediately following a surgical or medical procedure by administering appropriate anesthesia and monitoring the patient for reactions and complications, and to ensure comfort and manage pain. ” (“Anesthesiologist Information,” n. ). Anesthesia is used to induce insensitivity to pain and other sensations; it is administered via gassing, or through injection prior to, and throughout the entirety of a surgical operation. This line of work that I plan on working towards is a subspecialty of Anesthesiology. Practitioners in the profession are most commonly referred to as Pain Management Physicians.

    In this profession, “Pain management specialists help patients to manage chronic, debilitating pain that may be caused by a variety of conditions, diseases, or injuries. (Santiago, “What Is Pain Management? ”). Another duty of this job is meeting and counseling drug addicts. Through growing up, and associating with many addicts in my lifetime, this will be an aspect of my job that I will most enjoy. I interviewed Dr. Samantha F. Jones, MD, an Emergency Medicine physician in Syracuse, New York. I asked her a series of questions, regarding her daily life as a doctor. I asked her, “What inspired you the most in becoming a doctor? ”. Dr. Jones’s response was, “The thought of having a profession that no one can take from you.

    Also, being able to live comfortably, while helping people at the same time. ” I then asked, “What’s was the most difficult aspect of getting to where you are now? ” She replied with, “The educational process, and the lack of having a social life while enduring medical school. Also, not making money throughout medical school is a huge burden to handle. ” My next question was, “What advice would you give to a future medical student? ” She answered by saying, “Don’t look too far ahead, because it’ll seem as though it’ll never end. You need to be very good with time planning.

    Once you start medical school, don’t quit; it’s really not worth quitting. ” My following question was, “What would you say is the most dangerous/risky aspect of it all? ” Her response was, “You could catch what your patients have, so you have to take safety precautions. But the most stress-inducing risk factor would be the worry of messing up somewhere and accidentally killing someone. You’d have to live with that being forever on your conscious. ” My final question was, “If you could go back in time, would you change anything? In which she replied with, “I would start at an earlier age, and I would waste less time. ”

    What I concluded from this interview is that reaching my goals is definitely not going to be easy, but I will need to bare down and devote majority of my time to getting good grades throughout college, and medical school to thereby make a name for myself as a medical practitioner; if I want to overcome this obstacle. “Anesthesiologists earn, on average, a salary of approximately $300,000 annually, and can expect to earn upwards of $450,000 with experience.

    Many anesthesiologists receive a bonus in addition to salary, and anesthesiologists working in specific areas such as cardiology or pediatrics are paid at a premium” (Anesthesiologist Information, n. d). The salary of any medical profession varies from state to state, as the demand for doctors all over differs. After succeeding in becoming an Anesthesiologist, I plan using my salary to move south along the east cost; where I will work until I retire at the age of 60. At this point in my life, I will be the happiest I have ever been, for I will have been successful at accomplishing each, and every single aspect of dreams.

    Being successful to me, means that I am for the most part happy and in good health(spiritually, mentally, and physically). I want to own a 4-5 bedroom, 3-5 bathroom house with a lot of land surrounding it. I would like to marry, and have one child. I also want to have a professionally built kennel for a ton of dogs which I will breed, train, and sell. I plan on devoting majority of my time to these ambitions. Medical practice is a well-respected profession, as its main goal is to help those, who require much-needed help.

    I look forward to becoming a pre med major at the school of my dreams, and furthermore taking the first- among many – steps towards becoming a doctor. Becoming a doctor definitely will not stop me from continuing to partake in my favorite hobbies such as Jiu Jitsu, Boxing, and other activities I can do when I’m off of work, or simply have a bit of free time. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for me, as I make my way through, over, under, and around the obstacles that are before me while becoming an Anesthesiologist.

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    My Career Objectives Essay (1775 words). (2018, Aug 06). Retrieved from

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