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    Music Report Analysis Essay (865 words)

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    Most audience members were old and some young people also attended. The concert was the 19th season of community chamber concerts, aiming to provide the community with a unique musical experience at no charge. The program was composed of three pieces: Variations on a Bavarian Folksong for String Trio “Ads Demand is hard AUP String Trio, Pop. 9 No. 1 in G Major, and Divertimento for Violin, Viola and Cello in Be Major K. 563.

    The concert started with Variations on a Bavarian Folksong for String Trio, “Ads Demand is hard AUP m'” written by Richard Strauss (1864-1949) in March of 1882 who was a leading German composer in the late of romantic and early modern eras, presenting the late flowering of German Romanticism (“Richard Strauss”). The first piece started on three strings playing together in dissonance harmony with a gloomy mood. Quickly afterwards, the violin led a main theme in the introduction part.

    Since this piece formed a theme and variation, the piece’s main them was repeated over and over, but it was changed each time in terms of harmony, dynamics, and mood and so on. According to the program note, the piece consists of seven variations on a folk-tune (“community chamber concert”). Whenever the changed theme was played, I let like I heard totally new pieces. The main theme plucked by the violin was the most interesting part to me because the tone color of the violin was more lively compared to that of other instruments. The next piece was String Trio, Pop. No. L in G Major by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) who was one of the most famous composers in music history. This piece was composed in 1798-1799 and published in 1799 in Vienna, consisting of four movements: Adagio – Allegro con brio, Adagio ma non Tanta and cantabile, Scherzo: Allegro, and Presto. This piece started with an Adagio movement in order to build ensign and call to attention, followed by Allegro con brio. The first movement was described in a sonata form, consisting of three main sections: the exposition, the development, and the recapitulation.

    The tempo became rapid as the first movement reached its ends. After the first movement, there was a pause so that I could recognize that the first movement ended. The second movement, Adagio ma non Tanta and cantabile, started softly with lyrical violin performance. The second movement was mainly led by the violin with a beautiful melody in support of the viola ND cello. The pace and mood did not change a lot during the second movement. Music Report 1 By Sierra sounds and no climax. The mood in the second movement was changed in the third movement.

    Like many of Beethoven’s compositions, the third movement in this piece was a Scherzo which generates energy and rhythmic drive (Examine). When the last movement was started, I was awestruck by the techniques of the performers. As presto means, the tempo was very fast, but the performers played in tune. The vibrant sound was made by a flowing melody from the three instruments. As the ace went up, I felt excited. The last piece of the evening was Divertimento for Violin, Viola and Cello in Be Major K. 563 composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791).

    This work was composed for his patron, Michael Pudgier, in 1788, and premiered in Dressed (“Divertimento in E-flat (Mozart)”. Mozart was an influential composure in the Classical era. Even though his reputation was earned after he died, he has been regarded as one of the most influential composers to later musicians. This piece consists of six movements: Allegro, Adagio, Monument-Allegretto, Andante, Monument- Allegretto, and Allegro. Divertimento is an outdoor entertainment piece for small ensembles, usually performing for social occasions (Examine).

    The first movement opened with rhythmical sound with three instruments playing together. The vibrant mood continued during the first movement. The second movement was Adagio. As soon as the second movement started with the cello, I was captivated by the mellow tone color of the cello. Since there were not many parts in which the cello played prominently, I could enjoy the beautiful sound of the cello in the very first part of the second movement. The second movement overall held a warm mood without drastically changes in variations. The third movement was Minuet- Allegretto with lively and energetic sounds.

    The fourth movement was Andante with a theme and variations form. The first part of the third movement was somewhat melancholic. However, as the theme changed, the mood changed accordingly. The fifth movement was Minute-Allegretto. I felt like I could dance, like waltz, to the fifth movement. The last movement, Allegro, ended imposingly. It was the first time for me to attend the string trio concert. Before I attended the encore, I thought that something might be missing in the string trio concert due to the absence of other instruments as compared to orchestras.

    However, I changed my mind after the concert and felt the string trio, itself, greatly attracted me. Works Cited Community chamber concerts. Bryan, Texas: community chamber concerts, 201 5, Print. “Divertimento in E-flat (Mozart). ” Wisped . Wakefield Foundation, 15 Feb.. 2015. Web. 05 Mar. 2015. Examine, Roger. Music: An Appreciation. 4th De. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. Print. “Richard Strauss. ” Wisped. Wakefield Foundation, 27 Feb.. 2015. Web. 05 Mar. 2015.

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