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    Music especially rap music does it influence our mind and behaviour? Essay

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    Music especially rap music does it influence our mind and behaviour? What do you think? If you heard a rap artist i.e eminem raping about killing his wife what would you think? Would you be sick or would you just class it as music? Well that is what I wanted to find out.

    People like different types of music and have different stereotypes i.e. some people may wear baggy clothing so in school they would be labelled “moshers” or “Goths” and people wearing designer label sport clothing with their socks tucked in are usually referred to as “scallys”, who made these words up? why common rule for children to obide by these words ?

    Are children really into music that much that if they heard the lyrics by eminem in the song Kim, would they be ready to kill someone? PLAY MUSIC NOW Eminem says “One of you tries to grab a knife, and during the struggle he accidentally

    Gets his Adams apple sliced….And whiles this are going’ on…his son just

    Woke up, and he just walks in…She panics…and he gets his throat cut, so

    Now they both dead….and you slash your own throat, so now it”s double

    Homicide and suicide with no note, I should have known better when you

    Started to act weird, we could”ve…….HEY! Where you going….get back

    Here!!! You can”t run from me Kim….It”s just us…Nobody else! You”re only

    Making this harder on yourself” meaning he’s trying to make murder look like an accident. Now when children hear these types of lyrics how do they feel? Now other music artists i.e. the band so solid crew has been critised due to some of the band have been arrested but do there songs even compare to the disturbing and horrific kim lyrics? Here is 10 seconds of a new solid crew song titled broken silence PLAY SO SOLID CREW SONG!

    Now what do you think of this song ? this song is not a violence related, as in the song it mentions “revolt the violence NOT premote the violence this is my broken silence” which shows that the r’n’b band are not here to premote violence.But the firearms case against Asher D part of so solid crew proved that when out of the public’s view some of the band’s artists DO promote violence.Now this incident has been publicised but this jeporized the band’s image and from then on they were labelled as

    There are other songs such as these tracks ….PLAY OTHER TRACKS ON CD…….

    Now these are not connected with violence are they?

    PLAY COLDPLAY TRACK: now this is a soft pop song with no violence mentioned .most people will like this song and these are songs which are well known and NOT critised

    This song by coldplay has no SCARY feel to it it’s a relaxing song no violence mentioned, now are these the types of songs our children should listen to? But some may find it boring right?

    But how do young children get hold of unsuitable lyrics? When all explicit lyrics have a warning like the one below

    Music critics are always criticising rap artists saying that rap artists influence gun violence. But isn’t it your choice wither or not you pulling the trigger? Yes, maybe some songs do have lyrics which involve guns but this doesn’t mean that the message the rap artists are giving is go and get a gun. Is gun violence promoted in the music industry? Months back there was a gun incident were four young people were shot in a shot out between rival gangs in Birmingham.

    While on the internet I searched how music in influences and while searching I found out about horrific gang violence could these be connected with music?

    music does affect us because, when young, naive people listen to things like slipknot and Marilyn Manson, that does trigger something off in your head, and you may start following what your “idol” says. For example, do remember those girls in Italy who killed a nun because Marilyn Manson had sung it in a song?, what about the growing increase in gun crime, when all rappers do is sing about gangs and guns. Another thing is when ermine sings about drugs, so people are saying that because they listen to the music, they do not listen and understand any of the lyrics.

    In this comment I am mentioning that some girls killed a nun in Italy because Marilyn Manson he’s referred to as a “Goth” had sung it in a song. Now do you think this is right? Why should rap/pop artists be blamed for the actions of other people’so what if someone sung/raped killing is good or something then why does you listen to it? Why are we so conscience of what we listen to and what we tell people?

    Teenagers are usually classed as being “scallys or “moshers” within the north west of England .how come if you listen to rap music your suddenly liked by most people and if you listen to linkin park most people do not generally like you. And if you have extreme haircuts people don’t generally like that so if people have one then they must be not mind what people say.

    Mainly it depends on society and how they feel on the subject of music, it seems that society thinks that we MUST listen to some kind of “scally” or “mosher” music as a child so the child can belong to a group of people.

    Why are we so stupid to follow idols and idolise they way we do? Why do we follow what they do and what they tell us to do? Are they a king or something that we have to do what they tell us, no they are just normal people who have been lucky enough to become famous.

    Some people think the music group “so solid crew” attract attention

    As some of their band has been arrested for firearm possession but does that make it right for us to have one does it’so why do we blame them when it is our choice whether or not to break the

    Law isn’t it’so if we break it is at our own risk but we still have an excuse to blame celebrities for acting the way we do is why we are always having trouble with firearms.

    If your point of view is that firearms are being abused then I agree but that is only my opinion and in this world that doesn’t count as much does it?

    If we see that guns are being used by people on TV we think they are “cool” so irresponsible parents that they don’t see what is going on to their child. Why is this? How come we cannot detect these signs?

    But we should try and not promote weapons but say they are not acceptable to children at an early age so they will understand sooner rather then later.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Music especially rap music does it influence our mind and behaviour? Essay. (2018, Apr 25). Retrieved from

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