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    Music during WW and how it played a role. Essay

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    World War 2 was made to help get people through depression and motivate the men and women fighting in Europe and Asia. Everyone was into patriotism at this time including the music they listened to. At this time music has expanded its demographic to younger audiences, before it popular music was mainly appealing for adults. It contained many uplifting styles of music such as swing, be- bop, and country. For example Frank Sinatra became very popular to the young teenage demographic. He was the first singing teen idol.

    He created more swinging music to help with the ar with songs like “The Birth of the Blues”. Joy Stafford also became famous with her romantic World War 2 ballads. Most of her songs helped the troops overseas remember their wives and girlfriends back home. Other songs also helped like “America Calling” by Meredith Wilson, which helped boost morale of the country and convinced men to enlist into the armed services. It reminds them about what this war is about and to support it. “Angels of Mercy” by Irving Berlin, which was created after the bombing of Pearl Harbor dedicating the

    American Red Cross nurses, portraying them as Angels of Mercy wounded victims overseas. “Back Home For Keeps” by Carmen Lombard, which is about a wife waiting for her husband to return home. This song gave a good mood and also helped support the war. “Cowards Over Pearl Harbor” by Fred Rose, which gave great American Spirit by talking about how America will over Japan, the evil country. “G. L. Blues” by Floyd Italian, which describes the view of an American Soldier at war. It describes them as being lazy and doing nothing, which makes him depressed and mating to come home.

    His thinks that if they continue to have lazy soldiers, America will not be able to win. “Hello Mom” by Eddie Attenuated, which was about more about the propaganda during the war and gave more morale. Plus, it also supported the war bonds. It helped the parents who had a son in the war make them feel better. “Ma! I Miss You Apple Pie” by a 6. 1. At a training camp, which summed up what America is fighting for. The Apple Pie symbolizes Americas Freedom and how a soldier misses his Apple Pie. “Wonder When My Baby’s Coming Home” by Kermit

    Google and Arthur Kent, which is yet another song about a wife or girlfriend waiting for her lover to come home, waiting in her house. “I’ve been Drafted Now I’m Drafting You” by Lyle Moraine & Chuck Foster, which is about the pains about separation and a soldier convincing his girlfriend to be proud to so him in uniform. In conclusion, the music during World War 2 where mainly about the war, patriotism, propaganda, and much more with lyrics that helped Americans get through the war years. Music during WWW and how it played a role. By Parkinson

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    Music during WW and how it played a role. Essay. (2017, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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