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    Mountain Child poetry analysis Essay

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    Put has skillfully interwoven several poetic techniques and generic elements such as petition and imagery throughout the poem to further emphasis these important thematic concerns. The poet uses personification and the extended metaphor of mountain imagery to comment on the impact of technological advancement on nature and traditional lifestyles. The intentional repetition of mountain imagery is reflective of the cyclical nature of the environmental processes. The consistent reiteration of the mountain’ gives the whole poem a smoother, more rhythmic structure, despite its free verse form.

    The structural form conveys a calm and serene tone to readers, but this Is significantly disrupted In the last two lines by the canonical symbolism of the plane, which Is representative of how advances In technology have corrupted the smooth flow of nature. These last few lines also show how technology can resemble nature, yet the mountain child cannot distinguish between the two, displaying the innocence and purity of this environment without it being polluted by modern developments.

    The poet’s personification of the mountain by describing its feet’, ‘lap’, and ‘scurrying’ nature implies to readers that the sub-text of the poem is about feelings and experiences that are inherently human. Furthermore the image of the mountain, a natural landforms which has developed over time, is metaphorical of the way in which cultural traditions and customs also change, develop and grow through the course of time.

    However, in this instance the plane is perhaps, then, representative of people’s fear of modern influences tainting their old habits. Putt’s application of certain poetic devices such as a simile and religious allusions throughout the poem Is effective In emphasizing the stoically and security of traditional lifestyle in the mountains. The constantly restated reference to he ‘mountain child’ represents how the larger, older mountains, could be symbolic of a maternal figure.

    By the use of lines such as ‘plays in the lap of the mountain’ the presence of a motherly character in the traditions of the mountain lifestyle is further stressed. In addition, the poet has used allusions to religious aspects of life throughout the poem to’ highlight Eastern beliefs and customs spiritually denoting mountains as roads to success. These beliefs are figuratively represented as the pathways to an important goal or ambition in the simile to rise like a mountain’, to rather emphasis the culture of this region.

    This form of sensory imagery is employed to draw attention to the concept that the mountain child is metaphorically able to grow until It has reached the peak of existence or achieved an ultimate objective. In conclusion, the most Important concepts addressed In this poem are the effect of technological progression on nature and traditional way of life and, the simplicity and safety of life within the mountain environment. Put has utilized intended messages and effectively communicate to the audience the gentle, free nature of the mountains.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Mountain Child poetry analysis Essay. (2018, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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