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    Me as an Effective Problem Solver

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    The characteristics of effective problem solvers that is possess are critical thinking, decisiveness, and resilience. If faced with a problem I critically analyze the possible solutions to the problems until I decisively solve the particular problem. Throughout the problem solving process, I remain intentional and resilient to ensure that I obtain the right solution to the problem. Resilience ensures that I do not give up and remain focused on solving the problem through the available resources (Newman, 2017). For instance, if I encounter a problem in the course of working on an academic project, I clearly define that problem and connect with others to gain valuable perspectives about the problem. Prior to application of a single solution, I explore all the viable options to ensure that I apply the best available option to solve the problem. Areas that I am continuously improving on include development of patience in order to avoid rushing through problem solving, which often yields negative outcomes.

    Being proactive would help me to become a better problem solver. This means that it is essential to take responsibility for personal decisions and actions as opposed to adoption of wait and see attitudes in regard to personal problems that require being resolved. I would be more success by being proactive because it is a change oriented attitude that entails taking initiatives to resolve issues (Newman, 2017). In many instances, I have found myself reacting to problems instead of anticipating about the problems in advance in order to seek solutions to the problems. Reactionary approaches are sometimes counterproductive since one does not take time to critically evaluate the problem and implement the appropriate solution. For example, being proactive about early development of a study plan prevents time wastage and last minute rushes. Additionally, implementation of an in appropriate solution fails to effectively solve the problem which may create additional issues. Therefore, being proactive is valuable to me since it will help to anticipate problems and develop several alternatives solutions in advance.

    Setting clear goals for my personal career is one of the seven actions for a successful career that are important to me. This is because without clear goals for one’s career one is bound to lose direction and fail to achieve desirable results in regard to personal career. Furthermore, lack of clear goals prevents one form focusing on the right path which is normally guided by the set goals and objectives. For instance, one may begin to develop feelings that they are in the wrong career when faced with work related challenges due to lack of career goals (Cottrell, 2015). Developing passion and optimism about personal career are valuable to me because without passion and optimism, boredom may set in and cause loss of focus on personal career goals and objectives. Prior to my graduation from the University, I will set my career goals and objectives so that they will be a point of reference. I will ensure that I remain optimistic and passionate about my career to achieve my goals and objectives.

    The adjectives that describe me are adaptable, ambitious, confident, and amiable. Adaptable makes me a better team player since aim able to adapt to different situations. However, it makes me a worse team player since I do not easily adapt to negative situations that present negative outcomes. Ambitiousness helps me to instill positivity in others. However, sometimes it results in backlashes from individuals who feel that I am over ambitious. Being confident helps me to lead others with courage and set positive precedents for my team (Cottrell, 2015). This adjective makes me a worse team player because I tend to move faster than others, which creates negative feelings in other team members. Being amiable and friendly helps to me infuse positive energy in a team. However, friendliness sometimes results in crossing friendship boundaries and causes trouble with other team members.

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    Me as an Effective Problem Solver. (2022, Mar 08). Retrieved from

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