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    MBA in Information Technology Essay

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    Colleges nowadays are designing syllabus to meet industry needs and requirements. Gone are those days where students were forced to study boring things that would not help them in real life. Now, every college are trying their best to parallel academic with job skills to meet the skill gap.

    MBA IT is best of both worlds. It will give you a thorough overview of the technical things that you need to know by enhancing your communication and people skills. This course provides students an opportunity to explore their positive points. The course is divided in semesters. It will help them help shape their career as per their needs.

    Some of the on-demand syllabus subjects are:

    1. Project Management
    2. Technical Writing
    3. Office Skills
    4. Data Mining & Coding
    5. Data Management and Analytics
    6. IT Entrepreneurship
    7. Bio design Data
    8. Big Data
    9. New Energy Technology
    10. Supply Chain Management
    11. Organizational Behaviour
    12. Business Communication
    13. Strategic Management of Information Technology

    The list does not stop here it makes students achieve problem solving skills with overall managerial know-how.

    College & Fee

    College is a place to uplift your personality. Here you will learn to make all kinds of friends who are different from you. You will learn to do teamwork. For students who want to pursue a degree away from home. They need not worry most of the colleges have excellent hostel facilities. There are separate amenities for all the genders, security and every necessity. So, go out there and make new friends and explore!!

    Many colleges in India provides MBA IT course. Each college have their selection process. Cut-off and fee structure. Student must be aware of following steps while selecting a college:

    1. Entrance examination Cut-off
    2. Faculties
    3. Courses
    4. College Ranking and affiliations
    5. Fee Structure
    6. Distance from home
    7. College Facilities
    8. Campus Placement records

    Students should at least select 10 or more colleges by keeping the above points in mind. Then they can decide a college out of their options. This approach will reduce a lot of student’s stress of getting in a good college.

    Fees are one of the important factors while selecting a college. A typical MBA course ranges from 5,000 annually to upper limit of 30 lakh. Students need not worry about fees as many government and private banks provides student loans as well as many college provides scholarships. Thus, fees should not stop you from achieving your dream.

    Distance Learning

    There are many who want to pursue MBA IT, but they do not have time to do so. What to do??? In that case Distance Learning is a best option. Distance learning are suitable for working professionals, stay-hone mother or any one in general who wants to learn. The classes are conducted usually during the weekends. If you are wondering how is it different from a regular MBA? Well!!! Let me explain, regular MBA is of 2 years and distance learning might stretch from 4 to 6 years. But do not worry the importance of degree taken under both forms are valid.

    MBA IT College

    There are several MBA IT Colleges in India. Some of the popular ones as below (They are not rank wise):

    • NMIMS Mumbai
    • Faculty of Management Studies
    • Indian Institute of Management
    • SP Jain Institute of Management and Research
    • Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
    • Management Development Institute
    • Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies
    • KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research
    • Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology
    • Balaji Institute of Modern Management
    • Bharti Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University
    • University of Hyderabad
    • Cochin University of Science and Technology
    • Global Institute of Business Studies
    • Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata
    • And so on.

    Again, the list does not stop here. Just explore your options while selecting a college. Always remember to choose colleges where you will get high return of investment in ways like good salary package, good research opportunities etc.

    Career & Salary

    Ultimately the college and courses come down to how much they can offer and help you with getting your dream job and package. Getting an MBA degree will surely help students land where they want to see themselves. Most of the colleges have excellent professors. Some of them even invite professors from abroad. This gives students an exposure to adapt to all kind of learning strategies. Remember Learning has no ending as well as approach. It can happen only when you have decided to make it happen!!!

    Each college has their dedicated placement cells where students get to work on their strengths and weaknesses. They can apply for many government sectors like:

    • Average Salary: Rs 3-5 Lakh per annum
    • Highest Salary: Rs. 45- to no limit
    • Designation – Project Manager, Architect, CTO, CIO, Information Technology Directors, Information System Managers.

    Future Scope

    After completing MBA, you can opt for PhD in specific field or you can open your business and experiment your learning and achieve something of your own. Having an MBA will make you stronger, bolder and will help you with handling every challenging situation. Reach a sky-high limit and aim for the moon.

    Education is a key to change your outlook. Many of you might have heard that academics differ from real world. Let me tell you, it is true!!! But do not panic. Be courageous and stick to your dream. Education will make you think on a broader perspective. Now colleges are investing more time on enhancing personalities rather than just focusing on academics. Several colleges have international college collaboration program where students will find an excellent opportunity to explore and respect different culture. The colleges are encouraging students to participate in extracurricular activities to find their positive points. Hence, it is like a forum where you will get the opportunity to find yourself.

    Education is a basic right; everyone has the right to access it. So, do not feel discouraged if the fees are high, just start researching more about scholarship eligibilities. Remember people who find success are those who are non-quitters.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    MBA in Information Technology Essay. (2021, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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