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    Essay about Maturity Essay (389 words)

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    Maturity is not something that happens overnight. Maturity comes through trial and error; it’s a process which has to be perfected. Life throws curveballs and there are always multiple ways to deal with the situations. Being mature is making the right choices and knowing right from wrong.

    When you turn eighteen you are expected to just be mature. You’re allowed to buy a house, a car, get a credit card, it seems like you can do whatever you want. Maturity basically gets thrown at you, so hopefully you are prepared for it. High school responsibilities, like getting a job, budgeting your time and learning to drive teach you skills that you can use in your adult life, if you choose to apply them. Maturity is about choice.

    You can be given every skill that you need to survive and if you are mature enough you will use them. For me, driving a car, going to Europe, graduating, and having a job have all contributed to my maturity. I have to make life and death choices every day while driving, and my choices affect other’s lives- and that bring a lot of maturity. I went to Europe basically by myself, with no parent there to hold my hand.

    I had to make good choices, be safe and be mature while I was half way across the world from my parents. I am graduating this year as well. After this summer I am going to college, being a real “adult” and I will be able to make my own choices. Maturity will help me keep my head on straight while I am being my own boss.

    For the past two years I have held the same job. This job has taught me responsibility, how to deal with money and people and basic life skills. If I were not mature I would not be able to hold a job for that long. Maturity is what you learn while growing up. For some it takes years after they turn eighteen, for some it happens at the age of nine.

    Learning skills that will prepare you for adulthood, like working and driving, will make you more mature because of the responsibility. Choosing to use your skills and being mature is a tough idea for some teens to grasp, but for me it came easy. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay about Maturity Essay (389 words). (2019, Mar 05). Retrieved from

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