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    Life Purposes Essay (596 words)

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    My purpose in life can be looked at from several different angles. I believe that I posses a variety of purpose that are unique only to me. I believe that posses a spiritual purpose, a day to day purpose, a career purpose and a lifelong purpose. I believe that every person on earth was put here to serve their own specific purpose. My three different purposes may be common among other people but mine benefit only me. My spiritual purposes are probably the most important purposes to me.

    I believe God put me on earth for my own special reason because he has a plan for each and every one of us. Each plan is designed specifically for a specific person. I believe my purpose is to use my religious experiences to witness to others about Jesus Christ and to spread the word of God in an attempt to bring others to believe and follow him. In a way my spiritual purpose is that I am to be a disciple for Jesus so that one day I will join him in heaven. My day to day purposes depend on the events of that day but, usually are pretty consistent.

    They start from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning and go until I climb back into bed later that night. My purposes consist of making a positive influence on both of my younger sisters to help lead them down the right path and even continue when I arrive at school. At school is when my purpose hits the hardest part. I believe while I am at school I am supposed to set an example for others around me. While at school my spiritual purposes often tie in there as well.

    While walking downs the halls and sitting in the classrooms I always hear someone talking about how they just do not believe in God because they cannot see him physically. My purpose is to not be afraid of what others will think, but to step up and let them know that just because we cannot see him it does not mean he is not there. Getting the grades that I need to in order to get into college is one of the main purposes that I face today because what happens now may effect the outcome for the rest of my life.

    In doing this I also take care of my other purposes which include obtaining the satisfaction of my parents by living my life the way they have raised to. This way they will know that I will be prepared for my life farther down the road. My lifelong purposes in life probably sound similar to the majority of people around the world today. My main lifelong purpose is to lead a healthy and Christian life. Graduate of college, get a good job, get married, raise a wonderful family and teach my kids to live the life that I am living now.

    I will raise them in a healthy and Christian atmosphere so that they will have the chance to live a life that is pleasing to God so that even when I pass away I will be confident in knowing that we will all be reunited one day in heaven. Even though many people may think that everyone one in the world shares the same common purposes, they don’t. God intended for everyone to be created unique and he gave each and everyone of us our own special and unique purposes that we will hopefully fulfill to the glory of him.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Life Purposes Essay (596 words). (2018, Apr 30). Retrieved from

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