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    Leonardo Da Vinci and Renaissance Essay

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    Leonardo dad Vinci is famous for a wide range of accomplishments within diverse fields and practices. He was considered a brilliant painter, inventor, scientist, philosopher, engineer and early medical researcher by his peers. With regard to the field of art, historians and scholars agree that Leonardo dad Vinci paintings have not only produced a strong impact in the art world, but also boast the extent of this artist’s versatility.

    Dad Vinci was first and foremost a master painter, whose work is an excellent example of Italian Renaissance concepts, techniques, and typical subject material of the 1 5th and 16th century. Like other Renaissance painters, dad Vinci concentrated on religious or semi-religious iconography for his themes, but he also did portraiture, which was an important part of his income during his life. Madonna of the Archdeaconry’s Style What makes Leonardo dad Vinci paintings stand out from the work of his peers and contemporaries?

    Many would say that it is due to his paintings’ unique effect on viewers, ultimately caused by his impressive scientific approach toward his work. For example, he was one of the few artists who mastered the concept of the point”, which involves creating a remarkable sense of depth and three- dimensionality in a two-dimensional frame by drawing strong diagonal lines that intersect in the paintings background. A great illustration of this technique can be found in one of his most famous paintings, ‘The Last Supper’. The room in which

    Jesus and his disciples are sitting appears symmetrical and realistic, a perfect representation of three-dimensional space, whereby the walls seem to be converging inwards. Dad Vinci experimented with perspective to create unforgettable impressions of people and places. For example, in what is perhaps the most recognized portrait in the world, ‘Mona Lisa, viewers feel that the woman in the painting is watching them, regardless of their position in relation to the frame. Furthermore, her mysterious smile seems to suggest a thought.

    Gazing at Mona Lisa is an eerie experience that can only be felt when looking at the original as some of the effect is lost in reproductions. Many deem her partial smile to be the cause of her unsettling effect on viewers, while others attribute it to her unavoidable eyes. In any case, Mona Alias’s portrait is an unforgettable, intimate viewing experience. Other Paintings Aside from ‘The Last Supper’ and ‘Mona Lisa’, Leonardo dad Vinci created many other notable works, causing tremendous impact on his peers and the style of future artists.

    One such masterpiece is ‘Madonna of the Rocks’, whereby his talent for three- in viewers. ‘SST. John in the Wilderness’, which combines dimensional technique, skillful perspective, and color effects into one powerful composition, is an illustration of dad Vine’s ingenuity. While some may deem Leonardo dad Vinci paintings tame in their total effect on our society’s modern sensibilities, his development of techniques that immersed the viewer in the world of the painting, and the impact of those techniques cannot be understated.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Leonardo Da Vinci and Renaissance Essay. (2017, Oct 17). Retrieved from

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