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    Leadership Experience Essay (1013 words)

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    Reading this interesting leadership experience essay will give everybody the valuable opportunity to truly understand how the role of the leader looks like in real life. There are many similar articles on this popular theme on the Internet. However, thanks to this one you have got a chance to look at the best leadership and personal leadership in a totally new as well as untypical way.

    That person who leads

    Everyone has probably heard something about the people who we call leaders and has their own opinion about the whole thing. We decided to say something about what are the common thoughts connected with the theme in this introduction. As it turns out, people usually often guess that leaders have a lot in common with bosses at work or with politicians. It is undoubtfully a right association, but it is not one hundred percent complete. Why is this a case here?

    It would be really difficult to argue that in a business environment humans often should be able to lead their team of co-workers in a professional way. However, the truth is that the famous word “leader” has so much more in it than just being a person who has a job in management. The real key, as well as the main idea of the leadership topic, is wide and not famous enough among the whole society which we get to live in nowadays. Let’s take a look at a few examples about who may be a human who leads other somewhere.


    • Chief at the company

    – that person is responsible for maintaining the growth of the whole firm which is a very important and difficult task;

    • Politician

    – this is another popular leadership example, let’s just take a look at the president who is in charge of the whole big country and the entire nation;

    • Headmaster or headmistress at the school

    – these people take care of the whole teaching institution, which has a crucial meaning for a number of different individuals, such as every scholarship college student, all of the teachers and also parents;

    • Everybody

    – it may be found hard to believe by many people, but the reality shows that every person from plenty of different environments may play their own role in the important thing which is without a shadow of a doubt the best leadership. What does it actually mean? Everyone who makes their effort to stay in front of the group of humans may be called their master.

    What it takes

    You have probably wondered sometimes who the specific person must be in order to always show greatness at the leadership or personal leadership. Well, there may actually be found a lot of different things which make someone an individual who works well in charge of some other humans. However, there are some especially interesting as well as valuable examples which are the most important when it comes to the most significant leaders. You have the chance to look at them below right now:

    • Responsibility

    Probably no one needs to be convinced that every human in charge of something important ought to be incredibly responsible. There is a number of complicated and meaningful things going on in the business environment, and you have to be able to manage all of them with the cation in order to the successful development of the specific company.

    • Kindness

    This one may seem like it does not really have the real meaning. However, especially today in the twenty-first century all the people need to treat each other with respect if they want to feel good together. Personal leadership is not able to be powerful without being polite and open the world and everyone who lives in it.

    • Strength

    You cannot be a weak person if you are the manager of the others. They rely on you so you must be the one who shares your strength with others every day. When we talk about leadership, my personal scholarship experience taught me that students who have the strongest psychological abilities are the ones who win awards and also get great marks at university.

    • Creativity

    It is important to be both polite as well as powerful, but you also will not be able to make a real difference in the world without the rich imagination and unique vision. When you describe personal leadership, my piece of advice is to tell your audience something about the huge role played by creativity.

    • Charisma

    This word sounds for many very interesting but not everybody knows what it exactly means. You have an opportunity to finally learn more about it. When it comes to leadership styles, there may be found many differences before some of them. It is good because everyone needs to be somehow a unique individual in order to succeed. This special kind of individualism which make someone special is called charisma and is very meaningful in the business environment.


    We are getting closer and closer to the end of this unique text right about now. If you read this article with the real interest in the theme, you are probably able to remember a number of different things about something which people tend to describe leadership and personal leadership. Let’s take it all together in the short form once again in order to get the final clear picture of who the leader really is and what you can say about this person. Read this, and you will become much closer to be the master of knowledge in this valuable field.

    In my personal leadership conclusion, leadership will be explained one more time in an easy way. Bosses at huge firms, politicians, headmasters, and basically everyone can be put in charge of others. However, this role is not as simple as it may seem for some people who are not familiar with the whole idea of it. Leadership requires from an individual to always try and be a responsible, strong, kind, creative and charismatic person. Thank you for your attention and may you be the incredible leader whatever you do in your life.


    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Leadership Experience Essay (1013 words). (2018, Oct 24). Retrieved from

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