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    Late Medieval/Early Renaissance Art in Burgundy and Flanders

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    Sluter, Well of Moses
    Sluter, Well of Moses
    statues of moses and five other prophets, fountain of everlasting life, blood of crucified christ flowed and redeemed people who drank water, figures are realistic and individual, different textures, has specificity of Flemish art, 15th Century Flemish late medieval
    Campin, Mérode Altarpiece
    depicts mary as typical flemish woman, has a view to flemish town outside window, puts a religious scene in flemish daily life of patron, uses symbolism typical of northern paintings, lilies reference purity of mary, 15th Century Flemish late medieval
    H. & J. van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece
    H. & J. van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece
    shows patrons piously watching patron saints john the baptist and john the evangelist, shows annunciation, shows god wearing pope’s triple tiara, virgin as queen of heaven diptych, john the baptist next to god, general theme of salvation, uses window as a return to classical naturalism, attention to detail and sense of dimension is characteristic of flemish painting, 15th century flemish late medieval
    J. van Eyck, Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife
    shows couple in home taking marriage vows, removed clogs implies holy ground, dog symbolizes fidelity, finial of bedpost is patron saint of childbirth, solitary lit candle represents eyes of god, women stands near bed and man near window and outside representing gender roles, 15th century flemish late medieval
    J. van Eyck, Man in a Red Turban
    first western portrait in a thousand years to look directly at viewer, three quarter head pose, shows individual characteristics like aging skin, use go greek and latin inscriptions suggest van eyck sees himself as successor to antiquity, 15th century flemish late medieval
    van der Weyden, Deposition
    figures are compressed onto narrow stage, shows corpse of christ in same position of mary unifying composition and reflecting mary’s pain from christ’s death, shows dramatic sorrow in faces, 15th century flemish late medieval
    van der Weyden, Saint Luke Drawing the Virgin
    shows patron saint of painters drawing virgin with a silverpoint, carved bench virgin sits on depicts adam and eve suggesting mary is new eve, 15th century flemish late medieval
    Christus, A Goldsmith in his Shop; Bouts, Last Supper
    goldsmith turned saint shows couple wedding rings, betrothal girdle symbolizes chastity, shows container for eucharist wafers suggesting religious interpretation continuing flemish tradition of symbolic significance, depicts materials and tools of goldsmiths to underscore importance of goldsmiths in communities and to enhance naturalism, 15th century flemish late medieval
    van der Goes, Portinari Altarpiece
    shows worry and sadness for the future death of christ, iris and columbine flowers represent sorrow, angels represent 15 joys of mary, uses hierarchy of scale, 15th century flemish late medieval
    Memling, Saint John Altarpiece
    shows mary and christ flanked by angles, celebrates mystic marriage of saint catherine of alexandria with Christ, uses rich colors, 15th century flemish late medieval

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    Late Medieval/Early Renaissance Art in Burgundy and Flanders. (2017, Sep 04). Retrieved from

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