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    King Lear William Shakespeare Essay

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    Language used in literary work doesn’t always lead us to the truth and sometimes it fails to spread the message among the society. I think the best example for this claim is Harry potter. Harry potter series got phenomenal success, in my opinion it’s because of its uniqueness. The use of powerful language made it aesthetic. When we look at Harry potter as a literary work, in my point of view it’s nothing but an imaginary world’s story that is not relatable. Its powerful language earned fame but didn’t depict any truth.

    Reasoning also plays a major role while understanding the truth. For example in king Lear William Shakespeare wrote “When we are born, we cry, that we are come to this great stage of fools.’ The scientists have their own explanation to this phenomenon whereas on the other hand we see William Shakespeare giving some other explanation so to understand it we need a huge amount of reasoning. To understand this claim’s truth we need to know in what sense the author is calling everyone a fool. Some claims like this have deeper meaning and if we don’t use reasoning, the meaning we draw out of it might not lead us to the truth. Reasoning helps us to understand the sense in which an author writes a particular work.

    However reasoning doesn’t always help us interpret a particular piece of work for the reasons that there are some literary works in which even reasoning won’t take you to the truth. For example, Alice adventures in wonderland is a novel full of fantasy and doesn’t have anything else that’s relatable even if we apply high level of reasoning we won’t be able to get any truth out of it because not even reasoning can show what doesn’t exists in a particular novel.

    As Robert Louis Stevenson said, “The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean; not to affect your reader, but to affect him precisely as you wish.” So unless an author writes what people from all societies and different background can understand he will not be able to show his literary work’s truth to everyone. So the subjectivity of an artwork can hide the truth in it Sometimes an author uses lot of imagery in order to try and make his work more artistic and unique than most other works, however, at times he does not consider that if its not done in a very careful manner it might make his work very complex and in turn it could confuse the people reading it, or it could misinterpreted.

    Language should be used to show the truth not to make a literary work aesthetic. Use of different emotions should be according to readers because if they can feel the same as the character of the literary work does than they can understand it better. Some author writes in order to sell and some to expose a truth to society but a true art is a perfect combination of both. True author is an author who knows how to keep a balance of truth and beauty in a work. By beauty I mean the artistic features of a novel. So not all arts bring us nearer to the truth as sometimes language and emotion comes as an obstacle between the truth and us.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    King Lear William Shakespeare Essay. (2017, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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