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    Kindergarten Education Essay (477 words)

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    Reaction Paper Summary: On January 20, 2012, Republic Act 10157 also known as Kindergarten ten Education Act, was being approved. This Act is in relation with the Millennium Development Goals on achieving Education for All (FEE) by the year 2015. Wherein the policy provide an equal opportunities for all children to avail of accessible mandatory and compulsory kindergarten education that effectively promotes the physical, social, intellectual, emotional and skills Coriolanus and values formation to sufficiently prepare them for formal elementary schooling.

    It is prerequisite then, for the children that they will pass through kindergarten, the first stage of elementary education system before going to Grade 1 . It is also stated in this Act that the Mother tongue-based multilingual education (MAT-MEL) will be Implemented as the medium of Instruction to kindergarten pupils. Reaction: Kindergarten before Is somewhat optional to acquire. And not all have the privilege, the capacity, the money and the chances to take this formative stage in education. With or without it, when a child reaches the age of formal schooling, he can start his elementary education.

    The R. A. 10157, Kindergarten Education Act, is a one good feat in bridging the gap of literacy and economic stability of our country. Though It is quite long way yet to see its effectiveness but what matters is a step forward has been made towards a better future. With this Act, every child of our country will have an equal right to be molded during his formative stage in life regardless of who or what he is in the society. Kindergarten is of great aid In shaping and building young ones a strong learning foundation in preparation for their next step to their formal education.

    With proper trainings and programs for teachers In honing their skills in teaching, right approaches such as using the MAT-MEL, and strategies and appropriate learning tools, kindergarten students would be much ready to take the challenge of leveling up to the next ladder of their formal elementary education. Being a language teacher myself, I personally experienced and still experiencing the effect of teaching many, but not all, fresh high school students with a meager elementary education foundation. No matter how much teachers will be pointing fingers to who’s who is to be blamed, It boils down to one factor… Adequate knowledge foundation of students. With this R. A. 10157, I believe it is of great help In patching the hole of the crisis. With a good start having a strong foundation In education, the process would then continue as they level up their knowledge and eventually our country will produce more equipped, effective and productive men and women of the society. Recommendation: Whatever policies, programs and projects of our government such as this R. A. People behind it, nothing will put into waste and that the common goal will be achieved… To build a stronger and a more productive nation.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Kindergarten Education Essay (477 words). (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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